Caveat: Mods, if this is in the wrong place, know I tried like hell to find the right one. And tags? Fuggedaboutit.
Hi, new kid here Jeff. I am first and foremost a medical cannabis consumer but a very old school one as in I guess I have carried forward the effects of living thru years of criminalization. As recently as 10 years ago, I already had some 30 years experience at this and before you suspect me of bragging or something, know that it is actually weeping for a simple reason: it is 30-40 years of worthless information. Why? OK to sorta explain that I gotta explain this: one common problem in software companies or huge tech conglomerates of any kind is what is called the Silo effect. In really basic terms, each company or worse, subdivision within the big name corp all keep their secrets, things they know, things they invent, problems they solve. Giving them to the competition reveals weakness in their product or lets the competition fix theirs sooner, anything for a leg up. Information is “Siloed.”
Then in the 90’s or early 00’s some genius realized that sharing that information makes the whole community more than the sum of its parts because when we can all share our little piece of the truth, a larger one cannot help but emerge.
Growing and using pot has been like that; what the guy down the street figures out, everyone else will have to discover on their own, and as wonderful as whatever he figured out is, something I figured out might elude him forever. We keep our secrets because we always have kept them about this, because keeping them was the key to avoiding incarceration, so there was a practical side to this as well…
Alas, in this open day we can discuss things normally considered taboo and maybe come out ahead for it all. That is my hope but it will only work if ppl join in.
I am sorry for such a preamble, nature of the beast. This is about cannabis and mental disorders and right out of the box I need to get out of the way, I will have a hard time with any use-case that looks like:
- Smoke joint.
- …
- Cured!
I need/want/desire specifics and I will try my best to provide them myself because I think until we can start treating cannabis like real medicine, others won’t either.
I want to talk about real-world use of cannabis (any cannabis-based product) being used for the treatment of mental disabilities. Any disability, treatment or opinion is welcome; as implied above, I fear I have listened to my own opinions long enough. I will start by sharing what I know/think:
Basic facts. Please feel free debate as it doesn’t pay to build on a shaky foundation:
- All mental disabilities originate in the brain.
- One common and pervasive problem with creating drugs to treat the brain is what is known as the blood-brain barrier. Basically this is a barrier between the blood (where swallowed medication starts) and the brain itself (where the meds need to get to). Doctors have found this notoriously hard to cross and until they do, changing anything on the other side is hit and miss. This is why most medications of this type only work so-well.
- The term “dementia” is really simply a term meaning an alteration of the operation of the brain. Since much of what the brain does is noticeable, dementia is used to describe anything from memory loss to mood alteration. And of course, cognitive ability…which is kinda stupid when you think about it since everything from processing visual perception to regulating the breathing is a cognitive function. Like saying “Oh I shot off all of my toes…and the little one too!” Take away here is dementia can be used to describe what is basically Murphys Law of the Brain: anything that can screw up, will.
- The argument that goes something like: Cannabis cannot be used for medical application because there is no research…is total bullshit because no real practical research has been done…ever. In that sense, I posit the notion that we long-time users and breeders (cannabis, not ppl, those are easy to pop out) know more about the mentel effects of cannabis than the doctors and researchers at this point.
So I have nearly five decades of cannabis use and as of this writing, about 10 years of clinically-documented dementia, so I know of these two worlds and having my own condition has allowed me to use my condition as a laboratory of sorts to figure things out. I have tried my best to support this stuff with testing and facts when possible.
In no particular order:
While there are many processes in the brain and I have problems with many of them (memory, 3d spatial orientation, speech, etc), every single one of these is made many times worse when the frontal cortex/lobe is stressed. Among other things, this is what controls what is known as executive function. Basically this is what allows you to do many things at once, or appear to. I cannot multitask anymore. Simple example: If I concentrate on something, focus on it too hard for too long, my breathing stops and soon I am left gulping for oxygen when I begin to black out. Also since my brain can’t multitask, if I am focused on something, my ears may hear someone yelling “FIRE!” in the background but the brain won’t process it in real-time if ever. Same thing for processing vision: I can walk thru a room I know and step around all furniture and exit the other side…however when that executive function is stressed, say I am in pain, and I will walk right into walls or things right in front of my eyes; I will “see” them but not process what I see in time to avoid them. I see the wall, I am coming towards it, my brain starts to say something of warning but since I hurt from falling a moment earlier, I don’t consciously see the wall and walk right into it. This is well documented.
It stands to reason then that while memory etc are unique-looking defects, in fact I suspect that if the frontal cortex was fixed, that would most likely fix like 90% of the worst parts of dementia. To reach that however, the blood-brain barrier must be crossed.
Based on what this med actually does and what the common pharmaceuticals like LDopa are supposed to do, I think there is a strong chance that this cannabis medication basically jacks up the dopamine levels in the brain. Raising the dopamine levels is the goal of many many dementia treatments and this brings about what they are trying to do effortlessly.
This is based on empirical evidence: having a broken executive function is very very common in dementia patients in general and Parkinsons and LBD folks in particular.
Ditto above: In the same way that corrupting the executive function makes dementia worse, I suspect that plays a role in PTSD and ADD as well. This would imply a correlation between the three.
My reason for suspecting the last statement is based on two key things, both I assume to be true:
A. I have discovered that a pretty specific preparation of cannabis can alleviate like 80% of my LBD and Parkinsons symptoms in less than 120 seconds to come to full efficacy. Speech clearer by alot, my gait is smoothed, I am able to handle more complex situations in more chaotic environments, things that would have brought me down before. This has been witnessed by my doctors, neurologist and my speech pathologist and to a one they are impressed.
B. Because of who I am (LBD man) I have several frriends with it as well. Further because of who I am (pot grower) one of my now-oldest friends with severe PTSD has tried it too**. Finally another friend who has been on ADD meds for years, tried this for a month and hasn’t gone back to his meds since.
** My friend with PTSD described the effects this way: Normally his PTSD meds numbed him to the things that stressed him out which left him a zombie on regular occasions. This stuff however didn’t numb anything but rather, as he put it, allowed him to change the channel and watch something less stressful than what was stressing him before…the point is, this med had a significant impact on his quality of life with PTSD, he could enjoy life more because he wasn’t numbed to everything.
Since all of these seemingly different conditions are all improved with this single medication, would that not imply two things then, that first whatever this is, it does seem to effortlessly cross that blood brain barrier…and second and most important for this conversation, they might all share a common cause.
Now this stuff has had such an impact on my life that if I were beyond rich I would make/buy enough for every dementia patient in the US to try at least one gram. I think there is a very real chance many folks who were thought to be “lost” might wake up.
To get it out of the way, there is nothing specifically magic about this medication, it is just hard to get here in Nevada. In short it is cannabis oil that has the exact CBD:THC ration of 18:1, it is most effective when made from a handful of strains, once this stuff reaches that profile I can ingest about 50mg of it via vaporization (dabbing straw) and I am suddenly like I no longer have a disease. For a while. Currently full efficacy only lasts a few hours meaning its not good enough to last all day like on a road trip or trip to visit family. Here is what I have written on the subject, at least the high points so I don’t have to reinvent the wheel:
These will go into detail on the oil and what my testing has revealed about it.
So my first question is does everyone agree with the points made (and pls disagree if not, that is the only way I will learn anything and the stuff we are working with isn’t written in any book)?
If so, if you can see the general connection of these conditions, are there any other conditoins that might fall into this camp?
If the dopamine connection is real, dores this imply that this medicaiton could be used to treat other maladies that also rely on raising the dopamine levels in the brain?
Stuff to think about and discuss…