About the V5 Systems category


Your product is precious. The soil is sown and each plant is carefully and skillfully nurtured for potency. You grow many different varietals, and the new legal climate means you are able to expand like never before. You need 24/7 portable outdoor security and power to help protect your assets and allow you to grow quickly. .

V5 Systems is a California-based technology company that provides portable power units via a combination of bullet-resistant solar, battery and power management system, as well as turn-key wireless, surveillance systems for outdoor applications. With our portable power solutions, you can power any manner of sensors and deploy them anywhere in the outdoors, without expensive and time-consuming trenching for power and communications.

Turnkey, outdoor video surveillance can be deployed in under 30 minutes per unit. V5 Systems develops and optimizes all software and AI-driven video analytics that run at the edge (on the device itself) detecting people and vehicles in defined zones, which is instrumental in delivering real-time information to agricultural clients. These edge-based video analytics eliminate latency, sending rapid mobile alerts to users’ smart devices for immediate knowledge. Theft in progress? Catch them red-handed from the convenience of your home.

Our solar-powered power platform, notable for its low environmental impact, allows you to run lights and humidifiers without the need to manually refuel.

Working with state and local government, education and private enterprises, V5 Systems delivers a next-generation security and power for the outdoors. Reach out to us for any security and power inquiries you may have or if you’d like to receive a 15-minute demo with one of our technology expert!

Contact info:


Thanks for the endorsement and intro. Would you mind changing the email contact to: jeff.smith@V5systems.us, or is that something I can do? Sorry, still learning the system.


We made that change for you. All done!

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Thank you

Jeff Smith
VP of Global Security
and Law Enforcement Sales
V5 Systems