Ack! Scared of failure, but here goes my first journal - old subject line LOL

Hi Marty, just to set things straight, you aren’t talking to me about seeds. But you are talking to another Chris @saintc7145 on my thread, which is hunky-dory. Just wanted to make sure you weren’t confusing me with saintc7145 not that there’s anything wrong with that or him/her. I myself have only been growing for 2-3 years. I started during Covid after I lost my job as I waited to get it back. Agreed to each their own. We all have our own ways! No hard feelings from me, too, for either of you!! LOL … :green_heart: :seedling:


Your seed site photos are gorgeous!


Oh yes I know that lol…I was simply pointing out that if you let a seed set under water after the tap root grows out you will drown it. (And I know you know better lol)



Great looking strains you got going there! Had any of them tested? Curious as to the numbers.



I don’t do instagram, old school here, hell I hardly do facebook anymore. Anyway good looking flower, pretty good numbers you have there. Anyone on here done a run with your seed? And first hand reviews from this forum? I currently have about 10 strains that I just bought the last week I have to get through before I take on any new ones. Thanks for the info.



Sounds great, looking forward to following one of your strains and the end result.



Heck, I’m in for testing your seeds. Would have to be the autos, though, due to my shorter growing season (Pacific Northwest). I like to think I provide thorough journals. :seedling:


That is so cool about her recital. At Alderbrook? Not so little. Used to be a place called the Robinhood with a great little tavern inside and all these rentals. Covid ruined that. :frowning:

Yes, I DID see Orcas!! We were on our way and saw people pulling over to watch so we did, too. Saw them, at least two but I hear it’s a mother with two babies. I have never seen Orcas and now I can cross that off my bucket list although I want to see more!! We always have the jumping salmon!! We watch them when they start at the 5th Ave bridge in September, then onto the Tumwater Falls late September, then onto McLane Park in October and then lastly Kennedy Park in November when they are dead or dying and flipping about with little pink pearl eggs strewn about. What a beautiful place we live in!

I would move to Union and almost have but now I love working at Lakefair, so … and Mr. 1stTG went back to teaching and is well-loved at the middle school so we are staying for now. Also considering moving to the rain shadow area around Sequim. Maybe in a couple of years. Still waiting to see where my kids land. So far, my son is in Lakewood and my daughter is in Seattle.

I did NOT go to the drone show and haven’t even ever heard of it!! Who does it? Is it an annual event? I’m gonna have to look into that. I try to see what’s going on and fit as much in as I can before the rains begin … sigh.

@OlyBoy pointed this out , I was shipped 3 of his “cultivars” put two down along with a solfire seed from @sdoyle …. Then waited a whole week an put a couple Exotic Genetix down (Blackout Bobby ,Falcon Heavy an Planet Sherb) the falcon heavy popped already still no “Luna Souvenirs” so I tossed the third seed where it belongs , the trash


So, in his journal he is a newbie and here he has grown for 40 years. I didn’t put two and two together. Good job @OlyBoy and thanks for letting me know @HostileHippie420 … maybe just here to sell seeds that you’ve found useless? Did I get all that right?


Thats what it seems , or he had seeded buds from his run an figures oh well look I made my own cross :joy::joy:


Holy crap got 2 luna strains to go with @PreyBird1 and a couple exotic to start my 1st journal, here’s 2 weeks worth wtf rover!


cough cough

what’s up, growmie?


Nice work. Made me @repins12 proud I’m sure. Lol. They look super nice.


Is that ‘cough cough’ meant for me? LOL … I’m still here. Lurking. Trying to prepare mentally for starting a new grow.

My job has started to suck. I had a great boss last year, but my boss changes every year due to how Lakefair is set up. New president every year. Well, I got the micromanager … and I can’t do micromanagement. I just can’t. Not at my age. I figure that if they want to pay me 20/hr to do everything without benefits of any kind? Yeah, time to hunt for a job that pays me what I’m worth and gives me benefits. Then, I can almost consider being micromanaged. Ha.

So, I’m job hunting. The thing is that I don’t want (can’t) to work a 40-hour week. I’m good with 20, 25, maybe 30 hours. And so few part-time jobs available.

Still looking for a house to buy that is in my price range. Again. Ha! I feel like everything is sorta up in the air. I need peace.

How’s it with you??


I almost feel the same but the boss been the same for 22 years. We r just expanding a lot bigger doing a lot more stuff now. We used to do sets and tear downs now we do it all start to finish on a mobile home setup and or tear down. Build decks steps sheds garages. U name it we do it now and it is kinda rough to be the one going Round micromanaging all the dummies at our shop. Boss grandson works there and hires his buddies in for workers. Well bad idea friend work like friend hang out with each other. Gotta keep on their ass all day or shit don’t get done. One day I’m gonna freak out and either quit myself or make sure all the dumbasses r gone from there and replaced with fresh food help. Lol. Need to invent so AI robots to do shit in place of these boys. Lol.


After 22 years you should have the boss trained quite well! LOL. The only time I’ve ever had trouble at work is when I get a new boss or high-up co-worker. People suck. Having to deal with dummies is no fun. The one thing I love about my job (yep, still there …) is that it’s a one-person office and I’m alone most of the time. I love that. The micromanager has lightened up a big so … sticking it out for now. Realized I love the work and all the jobs I applied for wasn’t work I knew I’d love, so …