An introduction to Screen of Green (ScrOG)

@cannadogg or others. I would like any input on my ScrOG. I’m a newbie and this is my first grow. The strain is Strawberry Banana x ON Haze and it is in the 6th week of flower. I’m growing in a micro tent (16”x16”, 40.6cm x 40.6cm). Anything you would do differently or not at all. Your responses would be greatly appreciated.


Sorry but you need more of a grid…2-3" squares at most 3-4" if SCROG is outdoor…that’s just LST…but good job asking for help…


@Ladithief, thank you for the feedback. Should I put additional grid in now? I have extra trellis netting and I can install it offset from the grid that is in there now. It wouldn’t be pretty but I think it might work.

Or should I just leave it for now and use the smaller grid on the next grow?

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I would just put it at the lower part of your buds… but in truth a SCROG starts early in veg…and is built from there…I am really high and did not realize the bud stage you were at…so I recommend pulling the buds down and gaining all you you can below the mains…


You’re plants look great but definitely tighter net… I’m guessing you could probably fit another plant in there next run… Vivo sun trellis netting is nice… I have it sitting in my drawer but never used it yet always been el natural… looking great you could probably just scrap the scrog and let them grow freely


Kind of on the same thought…lol… LST at the most as it is getting late…


Thank you so much @Ladithief and @scotty17. I will scrap the ScrOG for this run and perform some LST with the taller buds. Y’all are great! She is about to go to sleep so I will take care of it when she wakes up.

I will definitely grow two plants in that space next time.


and as might have been stated… and if not it is now… @tdubwilly is lord of SCROGs in a tent…


Definitely interesting and beneficial but I need to be able to move my plants around in my crowded space guess that’s why I never did it


I have seen growers build a 2x4 frame on wheels and roll their plant around their space…lol…


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I’m sure but when you’re a 2x2x4 tent it’s not like that… I’ve seen fields brother but we all have what we have and make it work

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meant the wood 2"x4" a 2x4… sorry if I am lost on it as I said I am high AF…

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Me too :facepunch:… I just can’t imagine that in my space lol… But fuckin flawless idea

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Hey there @jktavernier! :slight_smile:

First off, your plants are looking beautiful! Really good job there!

For your first grow, the mantra really is, if it ain’t broke; don’t fix it. And you’re doing really well, and you’re actually a bit further along the grow than when it would make sense to do a ScrOG. You see, we actually do it to gently train the plant to grow differently than it naturally would, in order to produce bigger buds, and more of them! So you wouldn’t really see much benefit from scrogging now. Sure, it’d help a bit, but it wouldn’t be worth all the extra work at this stage!

For the next grow though, I would recommend that you have smaller masks in your netting :slight_smile: That way, you can have way more control over individual branches.

But, once again, really solid effort for your first grow man, good job!! :slight_smile: :green_heart:


Thank you for the kind words, @cannadogg. I really do appreciate your assistance. I’m growing my wife’s medicine and I want to do a great job. You and everyone else on this forum have been a big part of this girl doing as well as she is doing. Thanks again.

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There is no one way to scrog.

I seen places like “grow weed easy” say that there is only one way to do a scrog and if you don’t do it that away it’s not a true scrog.

If your worried about this

Then you can scrog like I do now. In veg, I only tuck the plant back under the screen and never attach it to the screen. I do this to make the plant grow wide in veg. In flower, I take the scrog off (easy because it was never “attached” to the plant) and allow the plants to stretch upward towards the light.

This is the solution if you wanna run a net but still want movable plants.

I’ll even put the scrog back on sometimes at the end of flower and use it just to spread colas wider that I feel aren’t getting enough airflow in between them.

Learning to scrog without ever attaching the plant to the net is really pretty easy to do.
All it is is LST using a net


As always @tdubwillynice weigh in… to me you are the SCROG master and Sam


Thanks alot @tdubwilly that’s great information… Much appreciated!!!

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Thank you @tdubwilly. Brilliant! :exploding_head: