Broker Groups in the industry & samples for new gloves

Hey Growers Network - I manage the disposable glove sales for our safety team at Sempermed and we have a LOT of new gloves being launched this year that I believe are perfect for this industry.

@ProcessorOwners @growopowners @LabOwner @CAgrowopowners

#1 I’m looking for growers / processors / labs / kitchens to sample two of our newest gloves… the patented Sempermed “Green” Glove, and our new chloroprene material glove (not latex or nitrile). I’m hoping for some valuable feedback on the lines based on real-life use. You get rewarded with some awesome free product at the same time. Please reach out if you’re interested in participating.

#2 I have an in-house sales team, but I’m also looking for a good broker/rep group specific to the cannabis industry. Do you have a good rep who calls on your business and who also wants to add a glove line to their portfolio? The best relationships I have are through referrals so I feel it doesn’t hurt to ask.

Thanks in advance, community!

Danielle Woods


Hi I’m a cultivator and would love to try some of the gloves.


Paging @GrowOpEmployees and @ProcessorEmployee as well!


I’d be interested in trying your gloves out. I know my partner would love to try out some new gloves in the lab too. What do we have to do to get involved?


Hey @Growernick, happy to have you involved as well. I’m building a list right now but I also need to schedule some time to chat with you about what you’re normally doing with gloves so I can have you try one product or the other (depending on your need). Each glove is pretty unique.

Send me a direct email when you get a minute and we can schedule a quick call soon. So excited to get some pre-release testing done and hopefully with various processes. The more feedback I can get the better, but I’m working with limited pre-release samples until the launch date later on. I’ll be in New Orleans most of next week but we’ll find some free time on the calendar to connect soon.