Super quick question. First timer. Can anyone say what stage this is and how close to harvest? It’s Berry Rider
Thank you!!!
Super quick question. First timer. Can anyone say what stage this is and how close to harvest? It’s Berry Rider
Thank you!!!
Looking good. You’ve got a few weeks to go still. This is the fun time when you watch them fatten up! Cheers
They are still weeks away. There just starting to flower. They should get bigger and swell up. There not ready.
Thank you!
Appreciate it
You are in good hands here on the GN its legit like a small Family! I Definitely agree with the Guys few more weeks and you will be in HEAVAN!! keep us updated as you grow/go!!!
Hey welcome @crooper.
Probably like a week or 2 into flower is my best guess. Definitely not near the end yet.
Great chart. Thank you!
I agree with prey…
Without being able to see the whole plant, just those couple of pictures I’m fairly certain that you’re around week three of flower. Pretty rare for a plant to be ready in less than eight weeks. We have very little information on this it would help if we knew more details. But a picture of the whole plant would speak volumes.
Are they auto flowers?
I agree with all, weeks to go, but they are looking pretty. . Like @happilyretired suggests a pic of whole plant would look nice as well.
It looks hungry. You should run some water through through it until you get about a pint of runoff and then check the pH of the runoff. Just pick a number if you put your water in at say a six see what it comes out at. If I had to guess it’s gonna come out in the low fives. But that’s just a guess. I’m thinking you have a lockout. If you haven’t been flushing it could be a lockout from too much salt too. If you can check your ppm also.
Try not to water too fast. It’s best if the water passes through slow.