Canadians: tell us about day #1


Somewhere, in a dark American hole, Harry Anslinger is rolling in his grave!

Oh, Canada!

A solid 24 hours have passed since the second country on Earth re-legalized Cannabis and lo and behold, the sky did not fall! As we neighbors down south anxiously wait for the feds to re-schedule cannabis for at least medical use, you Canadians can now order your cannabis through the mail. Remarkable!

So, @Canadians, I want know, how did you celebrate Canadian legalization? Did you roll up a fatty? Did you receive that special delivery? Did you visit one of the many adult-use dispensaries that opened up shop for business? How has your life changed now that the weed has been freed in Canada?


This says it all!


One big change is talking about it openly everywhere. On my way to work today and yesterday all I heard was about pot. and people come up with all sort of questions… Details that could never come to my mind :slight_smile:


I haven’t celebrated it yet but the biggest difference I see is that so many people are talking about how to be responsible with it. It’s out of the closet. Public discussion all around on what strains are best for what? The country is on a steep learning curve. There is a big public awareness campaign put out by the government to educate about responsible smoking, and measures taken by police to enforce no stoned driving! There are only a few things I hear about some condo buildings or communities / locations banning smoking altogether in order to stay away from Cannabis but mostly it’s a change in public awareness and acceptance.


We mostly just cracked jokes and shared silly puns. That and criticized the EXCEPTIONALLY dull packaging.


Love that ad! It’s absolutely the truth…wait, the bottom photo looks slightly more shiny than the top photo…must be the ganja talking!


All I can say is I wish I was Canadian :canada:


From the Late Show:


My folks are visiting Canada and said that it was a big show outside of the government buildings (Big enough for a contact high as you drove by), but everywhere else it was pretty much just another day.

Judging by the lack of movement in the stock market, I’d say this sums it:


This is our version


Very Funny!


@Hunter, If you just heard a peel of laughter coming from the conference room, that was me laughing at that clip. Good find!

O, Cannabis…


Kind of interesting. Nothing earth shattering. The government run store here in our province processed close to 100 orders a minute on the 17th. Our next door province did 45,000 online orders in first day. Government is already running out of stock across the board. Delivery time has gone from 3 days to 5 days. There is already complaints the government weed is too expensive. ($9/gm vs street price $6/gm) Government is smiling with the all the new tax money coming in but no one is on duty as they are all off celebrating. :slight_smile: Biggest surprise for me is how fast they are running out of stock - way more users than anyone expected and they have not even yet launched edibles!


@nimbus9 do you know what online software they are using to process orders?


Many provinces are using Shopify!

Here in Ontario, the roll out has been a bit of a mess. Legal cannabis can only be purchased online from Ontario Cannabis Store (for now) and they are extremely backlogged on orders. Going into the weekend and hearing many customers have not received a shipping confirmation, and to top it off we’re heading into a postal workers strike on Monday :upside_down_face:

Hopefully the provincial government gets their poop in a group, but the overall attitude here is Ontarian’s will be happy once private dispensaries are allowed to open up (C’mon April 2019!)


Interesting Article from One of Canada’s News Sources- Cannabis production will be done in South America and not grown in Canada


what can Canadians tell us about the State of Affairs today? I’ve heard that compliance and tracking isn’t so rigid in Canada. What’s the good word Canada?