Copper spots on cannabis leaves

Should prob also mention that when I seen those issues and ended up throwing plants in my greenhouse to flower out ( great airflow again) they proceeded to flower just fine, new growth was lush and green and fire buds came in looking fabulous


Hap, had for me to tell whatā€™s going on without some close upsā€¦Rust is pretty easy to diagnoseā€¦it always starts on the bottom of the leavesā€¦all you see at first are scattered spots of lighter green or yellow on the bottom of the leavesā€¦in a few days they turn orange/red and the shitā€™s everywhere !


How would you treat it? Is it easy to reverse or stop in its tracks? Letā€™s get as much information on here as we can so when he wakes up tonight (His morning) he will have a ton of information to go through and maybe be able to figure this out.


I donā€™t know if this will help, but it is a good read.

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lensing from water drops ?

if your soil has sand in it Silica you have already

shovel full of sand in your inside mix helps

peace and be safe



Hap, probably the most available treatment for rust for most cannabis growers, is a SULFUR or lime sulfur sprayā€¦these are usually pretty available at a local garden shopā€¦it can be a tough one to control if itā€™s in full rampage !

If you have bud on your plants sulfur can be hard on trichs, also if you dou use it make sure you plan for a generous bud wash/rinse with H2O2 after harvest or your weed is going to taste like shite !!


I donā€™t think he is flowering because yesterday was the longest day of the year for them down south.So if you can find sulfur in South Africa you should be good with the treatment. He probably wonā€™t see flowers for at least a month maybe more. :+1:t3:

@TheMadFlascher with the limited photos you have above what do you think it looks like?


I just canā€™t tell from that distant a pictureā€¦hopefully Cris can get us some close upsā€¦Iā€™m just guessing that he has some pretty hi RH so that opens the door to a bunch of possible fungiā€¦hope for the best


Iā€™d say a defoliation is prob in order, very least the bottom stuff, get some air flowing in the plants and roots, fungi loves the humidity and stagnant co2


@TheMadFlascher I think this is the closeup @happilyretired wanted you to look at.


Yup, completely missed that one ! Makes more sense !! Looking at it I donā€™t think itā€™s Septoria because thereā€™s no yellow haloing around the lesionsā€¦
I believe what we have here is most probably a Alternaria infection. Not familiar with Alternaria species in South Africa but in this country there are many species and it affects just about all economic cropsā€¦
If you carefully look at some of the background leaves (far left lower center) you can see very typical yellow leaves with irregular lesions. Another thing that leads me to Alternaria is that the lesions almost always form and begin developing on the leaf margins (edges).
This is a pretty difficult to control fungus that usually starts near the bottom of the plant and spreads in a upward kind of random pattern.
Chemical control is required and again, Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s available in S Africa. However I do know SA has a lot of ag and so I;m reasonably sure they have control measures availableā€¦One chemical that works pretty well if the infection is caught early enough is called Clorothalonil . It will probably take several sprays about 7-10 days apart to do the trick.
Usually if you donā€™t catch before it effects more than about 1/3 to 1/2 the plantā€¦itā€™s gone to far and the plants arenā€™t salvagableā€¦

Chris, if you should happen to have some kind of ag ā€˜advisersā€™ available ask them what treatments (chemicals) are available for treating Alternariaā€¦Sorry I canā€™t help more but thatā€™s my best takeā€¦


Sorry Hap didnā€™t go up far enough to see the pictureā€¦Good ole @nacho151 had to kind of ā€˜focusā€™ my attentionā€¦I hope Chris can tackle itā€¦


@TheMadFlascher you are a wealth of brain stuff. Good luck chris . kick its ass sea bass


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I hear this helps for a fungal infectionā€¦ :joy::joy::joy:


LOL, thatā€™s what the label says! ā€˜Clinically Provenā€™, unfortunately beyond my realm of expertiseā€¦for some reason they always denied me entrance to those labs at school !!!


ROFL :rofl: Thatā€™s the cleanest dirty joke Iā€™ve ever heard!


Guys, thank you for all your advice. @TheMadFlascher , wow, you are a book of information. I am doing my work and finding out what is available locally. I have followed some advice above already and cleared the bottom stems for better airflow, going to remove the leaves tomorrow and see what transpires in the next couple days. Much appreciated GN community, lets nip this in the bud.

