Curled Leaves

Did you happen to get any better pictures?

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I posted the pictures last week,


the pictures are at the top of this feed @pomeroymc


Have you looked very slow and methodical for pests? I have seen russet mites that took me 40 hours of scope inspection before I actually found any and I only saw 3 the entire time I looked.

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What did you spray them with ? From your pictures it looks like the leaves are coated with something. Closing all the pours and stopping them from breathing. Even the picture that shows new growth looks like it’s dying . If you want to keep fighting them , I would pull off all the leaves , flush and come back with like a 1/4 of nutes. Or shit can and start over. And to me coco is a pain in the ass. That’s just my opinion. A lot of people like it. GOOD LUCK…

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