I have established and recouped 3 dispensaries and opening my own soon. With over head and other out going cost, shops are paying way to much for theyre orders. A lb. Of bud in Oregon you can score for as low as 800$,. Of quality bud. Grows are charging much more to shops… Some people are growing they’re own,. One final piece, in a small town of 20,000. you may have 5shops competing for the buisness
A lb. Of quality smoke, high percentages can go as low as 800$ here in Oregon
Black market
We are seeing outdoor pounds come down to as low as $400 wholesale. Processors paying hundreds for pounds of flower to process. The State of Oregon issued way too many growers licenses. Imagine setting up a million dollar grow and getting hundreds vs thousands per unit. This is driving monthly sales numbers down in dispensaries as well. We are collecting less tax revenue now than ever before.
What steps do you think can be taken to help mitigate that? Cutting down production costs is the easy answer, but where can corners be cut?
It is definitely true. Even farms are over stocked
here in Oregon. a very large farm is needing help with distribution of around to start 100 lbs in,12000 plants. please msg
Very lively discussion. In So. Ca, sales have definitely slowed, many deliveries have stopped doing business. People are scrambling for space and licensing partners. Many people are trying to operate with a foot in each world. Prices are definitely in the tank. With CA producing 75-80% more than it can consume, until interstate legal commerce starts taking place, there is a big issue.
I have recently become interested in the hemp market. CA is going to launch their program. In my opinion, there is an opportunity for growers who do not have the opportunity to attain cannabis licensing. I’ve heard of a shortage and growing market. I’m intrigued!
I’ve talked to a few growers here in Colorado that say hemp is the future for Colorado. They sure do like to let the pollen fly wild in the wind though! Can you buy feminized hemp seed? Hmmmm…
I’ve heard of that issue, I think we are going to see some interesting things happen out here in CA. Hang on for the ride!