As I told Barry I am also glad your on board as well! It wouldn’t be the same without you Gary!!
They’re gettin frosty quick brother.
Looks great.
Thank you Barry it’s truly appreciated My Brother!!!
Beautiful grow god luck and be safe
Thank you
Tiny bit?
You have a bud Utopia going there!
Very Nice
Serious understatement right there my brother.
Thank you this stage always bugs me because of the slow growth. But they are pickin up speed.
Thank you My Kaptain! I use to watch wrestling and I dug Rick!
Thank you My Brother Barry!! It looks slower to me I guess because I’m in there 10 x a day!
Patience is not my virtue. First time I got to that stage; I fed mine a bunch of Miracle Grow.
Dumb! Just Dumb…
Damn near killed them.
@jimhigh66 Me and miracle grow started out together. It wasn’t good! now I’m using ff soil and nutes. On my 5th grow now and it just keeps gettin better and better. Last grow was kinda shabby due to faults of my own. But this grow may turn out very nice. Still a way to go. A lot of can happen in a short time!
We have come a long way.
However, when I see a new grower come on here talking Miracle Grow…
A panic attack sets in
I know a few growers that truly love it but only a tiny few. Myself I never looked back. And I strongly recommend they use something else!
Ya like peters plant food… what I use to use on my outdoor grows. Its still basically slow release and no good but did you know they make Jack’s? I didn’t know, maybe I was on to something years ago just didn’t know it… LoL but ya both are no good for me either!
I don’t know about you, but when I saw the gif, all I heard was “WHOOOO!!!”
Hey @missiles didnt know you are over here! This is my new please join along.