First Time Grow - Seedling Distress?

Bunch of methods, all will work I suppose, I’ve never had issues starting in a 3" soil cube and as soon as leaves open I dump the square out and into it’s 5 gallon it goes till she makes the cut lol she never notices a thing


Damn, yall are an active group - I love it. Appreciate all the advice and I’ll let you know how the next few days go. I think I’ll let it dry out because in measuring the soil it seems pretty damp underneath the first inch or so.


and I’m sure you’ve done it time or two :wink: This is OP’s first grow so just wanting to make sure everythings safe.


When I would attempt with coir it was a shit show, regular soil has never given me an issue and holds together coming out as a solid square from the 3-4 days of germination and roots are never visible or disturbed, best thing for a transplant cuz plant will have no clue anything even changed. When it’s got a bunch of roots that start getting light and being pulled this way and that and destroying the links with the microbes it’s all attached to and u have urself a shocked plant for a couple days, if ur auto is a 60 day auto, u just lost valuable time. I share this cuz I’ve been there and done that first getting into autos and because of those ways I’ve ended up with lollipops that the entire plant prob was about a gram cuz I didn’t understand, don’t stunt an auto at all costs!!!


With using FFHF, when would you recommend adding some of FF grow big? Would I even want to use it while the plants are in the solo cups? Once I move to 3 gallon, I’m guessing there is enough nutes in the new soil I won’t need, maybe go straight to Big Bloom?

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Fox farms typically will carry a plant for about a month. I start mine is same soil I plant to use, seedling won’t have to adapt to something new


Alright, yesterday morning I transplanted my largest plants over to 3 / 5 gallon fabric pots still using fox farm soil. I’ve watered them in and set the light I have around 18 inches above at 100%. Humidity is keeping around 55-60%, 20/4 on light, with fan blowing and a temp of 78-80 degrees. Two of my plants seem to be responding well, 1 ok and 1 appears to be drooping some (last pic). How does my setup sound so far? Any advice on my flailing plant because unfortunately it was the biggest I had and in my 3rd pic you’ll see the new leaves are growing stronger on one side verse the other (maybe a light issue?).


The wilting and leaf curl seems to be getting worse throughout the day - think it could just be issues with transplant?


Just a lil transplant shock, give it a day it two and it should recover!


Your environment appears to be spot on!


Hi All - Happy to report my plants have recovered and doing well, just going into week 7. I’ve just begun to start adding tiger bloom into the mix at 1/4 percent.

Unfortunately, I’m beginning to see some marks on my leaves, would love some advice. I thought it was a calcium deficiency based on past photos shared here, but after two more watering with cal mag I still continue to see new marks. I am seeing these marks on about 5% of my leaves. My current temps are staying at 78 degrees and 55% humidity with just the one 300W LED mentioned in my first post.

Sharing pics of my latest (ignore slight leaf droop from watering, gone 30 min later) and the leaves with marks.


What are your pH levels when feeding and your ec when you measure your run off?

These will let you know how much the plant is eating and if it needs more or less.

Crunchy leaves are usually a pH problem I have. When I just run tap water.


Because of your bloom stage, my best guess is you’re looking at K deficiency…FWIW