Good ol' fashon curing is it art, broscience or real scientific stuff?

So I know this has been a topic of many forums and even recent discussions with computerized curing products.

After trying multiple curing vessels, moisture packs, environmental conditions, curing machines and some even fairly bizarre experiments that I m not necessary proud of :slight_smile: I am back to good old fashion burping containers.

I want to see what @mastergrowers have for strategies out there.

I’ll share with you, my dry time is 14 days and that’s just because I only have 14 days before the next harvest rolls through. After I shuck into Ziploc plastic bins (I know , I know) I still experience dry back. only about a full percentile but it defiantly shows in the aroma.

Now comes burping and letting the bins sit open. Depending on the moisture content I will leave the bins open for a couple of hours or less. After doing a dance that resembles a south American maraca shaker getting his grove on, I close up the bins and they sit in darkness at 55% RH and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. I do that once a day for 40 days until it is trimmed, packaged and sent to the vault for sale.

On a much smaller scale of only 30 to 40 pounds a month I used to “burp” my jars everyday for the first few weeks until moisture levels stabilized. After about two weeks the jars would be opened every other day for a week and finally as weeks progressed they got opened less frequently and for shorter amounts of time.

Now with 200+ pounds a month that process is a little more time consuming. I don’t use glass because of possible safety issues, labor factors and proper space for thousands of jars ( even if they are the biggest you can buy) cVaults have posed as an issue because multiple complaints from customers their product smells metallic. The plastic bins work because of the volume they hold and you can stack them.

So what’s next? My product does have a nice cure and I’m not complaining I’m just looking to see how we can progress with this “Broscience/art/real science?” of a curing method.

@Growernick @mastergrowers any thoughts bros and gals? Lets talk Cannabs and Terps!


I want to see the South African maraca shaker dance, @AltMedReed!

I tend to agree with your methods but that’s because I am growing on a smaller scale, but I see merit in the machines as well. Having had some deep discussions with @Cure_Advantage_Ruben, I have started to see the commercial applications for large-scale drying machines. Have you tried one of his machines? What were your results?

My terp/cannabinoid profiles are pretty damn consistent and I never get any complaints about flavor, that’s for sure! I love curing in jars but I see how the stackable design of the containers can be your best friend in your facility. I use the same containers for coco remediation during my rest phase and they work very well.

I like this conversation, thanks for starting it. Let’s keep it going!


Posting a video of that I would need some endorsements form Ziploc. :money_mouth_face:
its bound to break your server and possibly the internet over night… I wouldn’t want to do that to you and the rest of this sites users.

Yes! @Cure_Advantage_Ruben and I have hung out in our cure room for a good while discussing his product and its possibilities. Although fantastic concept and a step in the right direction we agreed at this time it wasn’t something that our facility would benefit from. The experience was a positive one and I think that cure advantage is on to something good.

Also a factor in this is, I am on a harvest schedule of every 14 days and I cant cater to each plant and I can only do my best to find the ideal harvest window and plan my crop time lines around that.

That being said I have seen the fluctuation of terps and cannabs and that will affect the end product. This commercial Ag cannabis life style is much different from the days of the hustle and quite the learning experience everyday and every harvest.