Help make a difference! Advertising Opportunity & Directory Listing in new Book!

We rarely have the opportunity to truly help the lives of others by empowering them to understand themselves better, this is one of those opportunities. We are asking for your help to bring this positive information to everyone.

The book is titled: From Cancer to Cannabis: The Essential Guide to the EndoCannabinoid System

Contributions by:

Dr. Lester Grinspoon, Harvard Professor and Author of; Marihuana Reconsidered & Marihuana: The Forbidden Medicine

Robert C. Clarke, Author of: The Botany and Ecology of Cannabis, Marijuana Botany, HASHISH!, and Cannabis: Evolution and Ethnobotany

Richard Rose, Author: The Hempnut Cookbook

And me - Todd McCormick. As a child I had cancer 10 times and I started using cannabis at the age of 9, growing it at age 13, and then started studying everything I could about cannabis. I am the editor the 12th edition of Jack Herer’s book; The Emperor Wears No Clothes, Author of; How to Grow Medical Marijuana, as well as a producer on the two documentaries The Union: The Business Behind Getting High & The Culture High. I was one of the first people in the Netherlands to receive a prescription for medical cannabis back in November 1994, and I have dedicated my life to disseminating accurate and truthful information about cannabis.

In 2012, I was honored to receive the Cannabis Culture Award in Barcelona, alongside Dr. Lester Grinspoon and Sir Richard Branson:

The reason I am writing this book is because I am always asked the same two questions by people who are facing cancer or any other disease that cannabis can potentially help cure: How does Cannabis work? And, how do I use it to treat myself or a loved one?

This book is being written to answer those questions in a way so that people can better understand their EndoCannabinoid System, what exactly are phytocannabinoids, cannabinoids and endocannabinoids, what is decarboxylation, THCa, CBDa, THCv, CBG and what they are useful for. We teach what are CB1 and CB2 receptors and a lot more. In addition to the oil produced by the flowers and trichomes, we are also educating people about hemp seed oil and how Omega 3 essential fatty acids help as an anti-inflammatory, and how our bodies use EFA’s as the fundamental building blocks of EndoCannabinoid development.

We are including a directory in the back as a resource for people that directs them to high quality cannabis products and would love your company to be included.

Book size: 6” x 9” - Advertising Deadline will be June 30th, 2019 - Publication date: July 2019.

The 1st printing will be between 5,000 to 10,000 copies. The book will also be going to be published as an ebook on Apple and Amazon.

The price for a full page, full color ad is just $2,500.00.

We plan on heavily marketing this book as a tool to everyone. I am also in talks with people about producing a multi-state lecture series that will bring featured speakers together using this book as the hub of information we present. Sadly so many people are affected by cancer and a host of other diseases and are really looking for straightforward information that is truthful and accurate, and this book will be just that.

Thank you for your consideration.