HELP! Partial Wilt, then Death on Outdoor grow

I’m new to this forum, and I’m confused about what is happening to my plants. Photo ID suggests fusarium or verticillium wilt. I’ve grown in the same “patch” for over 20 years. Not the exact holes. I amend the soil with organics, compost, peat, perlite, worm castings, and this year, for the first time, I’ve added mushroom compost. I mention this because I’ve never experienced this disease before (whichever one it is), and am wondering if I introduced it via the mushroom compost. The plants are fed fish emulsion and molasses. They were all looking brilliant until I noticed what looked like the green skin of the main stem scraped off. As it is hot and we are in drought, I thought it might have been a critter and fenced that plant off. Then, branched breaking where they joined the main step, and new growth wilting. I removed the plant, and hoped that was it. A week later another plant had one wilted branch. I pulled it, and examined it. The roots were white and healthy. I cleaned off all the soil ( as best I could) planted in a pot well away from anything, tried some hydrogen peroxide, which didn’t work, and watched the plant wilt and die within a couple of days. My remaining plants appeared healthy, until I found a wilted branch on an otherwise healthy plant. This s heartbreaking. Does anyone have any advice, experience, or suggestions? Sorry for the saga…


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I use mushroom compost in my livingsoil. You must have gotten a bad/infected batch OR your area is in drought. Bugs are looking for food.