High Times Publishes Controversial 2nd Annual HT 100

High Times magazine has published its second list of 100 most influential people in the cannabis world, but some have issues with the choices, from Jim Belushi occupying the prime spot, to favoring the famous over the felicitous, to a disparity of diversity. Below is a link to the list and an article from SF Weekly giving High Times a low grade. Who is missing and who do you think will be on the list next year?

The List: https://hightimes.com/culture/high-times-100-2018/

The response: http://www.sfweekly.com/news/chemtales/low-grades-for-high-times-100-of-2019/

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Weed used to be really cool. Now it’s got this patina of boooooring glooped all over it. I like the Flow Kana lady, only because I met her once at a dispensary in SF, and subsequently follow that brand on IG.
I think it would be really so much cooler to have 100 of the Most Unknown Illegal Closet Growers issue. Now that would be awesome! Because that’s where the spirit is.