How do you mitigate light burn?

If you need shade, I really like the spun polypropylene in white.

When I have seen solarizatin in the past under lights. We just cut the total amount of light. Unless we had other ways to control or modify the environment. There is a test to see if you are losing chlorophyll or is it being “moved”. Total free copper changes in the tissue. The copper bound chlorophyll has a different differs in molecular weight, than the free form of copper. It shows nicely under mass spectrometry. I even think there is a reflective measurement method you can do in living plants. American Horticulture society publication late 1970’s

You need to check the orientation if the chloroplasts in the leaf. If they are oriented perpendicular to the leaf surface, too much light. If they are oriented parallel to the leaf surface you are ok. But something else is going on.

Let me find a reference for TMV expression in hemp. One of the problems is disruptions in chlorophyll production and activatio. Since you do TC this would be an easy test of the problem. But, you may or may not like the resulting cultivar.


The Amare SE 500

and the SS150 .
while both from the same company. they both perform differently. The CRI rating on the SE500 is 95. its super intense light. it has lenses for the cobs. with lenses in the light needs to be minimum of 40 inchs from the canopy. without lens the light can be up to 8ish inch.

the 150 is so awesome it can touch the plants with no burn.

also get a mover its what i do…

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