INFORMATION For Small Craft First Time Growers

2018 will be bringing a large amount of new uneducated growers to the industry.

Thoughts on how to help them become safe growers to help them one day be successful cultivators.

I would like to hear about / see pictures of what experienced growers recommend for the new wave of home growers.

We need to educate new growers about the dangers of unsafe pesticides and the devastation that parasites can do to a grow.

EBAC Industrial Products Inc manufactures durable dehumidifiers and air-movers perfect for new craft growers.


Growers Network was created as an educational resource for all licensed cannabis growers, from the 40+ year veterans to the new growers coming online.

One of the resources we have been silently building out is a comprehensive pest and disease database for the cannabis plant. This will allow any grower around the world to simply search for the solutions needed to solve their pest and disease problems in a healthy manner. We will of course launch the pest and disease database to our members in the forum first.

@Hunter can provide more details on the type of information we are building into the database.

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Yeah, so basically what we’re creating is a centralized database of the most frequent pests with descriptions of their life cycle, appearances, approximate location, and the conditions under which they thrive. With our design in mind, it’ll also connect to pesticides relevant to handling that particular pest and information about what states those pesticides are currently legal in. We also intend to have the database searchable by state compliance and other information.

It’s an ambitious project, to be sure, but I’m excited about it.