Is this male....i think so?

May be a hair to early but this looks like a male plant?

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Looks male, but let it ride a little longer to be certain before destroying it. Unless you intend to breed.


No it was 1 of 7 free seeds. No idea what it is. Its a damn shame it a nice beastly plant

Those shoots look like male preflowers. A male will look like this when full flower.


Oh i know what they look like. This one plant is amazing and i want to destroy it if its male. I have no need for the pollen because i have no clue of the genetics.
And because of that i dont want it.
Right now if it is male it’s just wasting my nutrients and power and taking up space.


Might be and I know males… seems too early for me to tell… you have time left before pollinating your females…


Then I would b willing to bet yes. But I have a strawberry gelato strain that likes to start out looking like that and always tricks me. The Females always have hanging calyx like male pollen sacks so I would wait just a few more days.

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Better pics tonight.


Still not convinced…and I always remove that fan leaf at that node…lol…


Male for sure


I still wouldn’t say for sure. That doesn’t look like a pollen sac. It actually looks like new growth. It’s not a tear drop shaped sac. It looks like it has a twisted leaf about to unfold out of it. I would still wait. U are in no danger at this point Bc a pollen sac has to b fully formed to dump pollen anywhere and u aren’t even close. :crossed_fingers:t2:

I with you so far @justgrowin… just not enough… I could guess and have a 50/50 chance…

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Its amazing i hope its a girl. Its outgrown all the other plants in weeks were they are at 4+ weeks.

Yes male. You will also notice the frontal green hairs don’t make a X most females do. Not a science. But tends to hold up

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Yep also right there. i noticed all the girls mainly cross. And out of the 15 females seeds i have planted they all crossed also. Great point!

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This is strain and pheno specific. I notice strains that are more pure to landrace don’t follow such rules.


Very interesting. I had no idea. I read in ed ronsenthals book that they cross to but he also said that is not a science and they may or may not cross. But most of the time they will cross. Ha learn something new everyday thanks justgrowin.

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Man i cant do it! I hate to kill it! It must be done! Arrgggg


Give us some close ups to identify it before you do


I did it’s a male from top to. Bottom male flowers doubled in 3 days with the light flipped.
I took some flowers off so yall could see. Sux too because the plant was amazing.