Jack Herer & Bergman's Gold - Indoor, Hydro, LED

TUES, JUNE 24 (Day 17 in Veg Tent):
Temp: 85F
RH: 55% (humidifer ran out over night)
pH: 6.18
TDS: 626

Today I refilled the humidifier and added a bit of “fresh” nute solution (about a gallon of runoff from my soil grow) to compensate for evaporation, then top fed the girls. I also reversed the flow in the system to (attempt) to minimize roots traveling through tubing from bucket to bucket.

This is only my 2nd grow (1st Hydro), so I don’t have a lot to compare to, but I think they are looking beautiful and the Jack Herer is coming along nicely after a bit of transplant shock. However, they are still a good bit behind the 2 Bergman’s Gold Leaf plants. They were germinated, sprouted, transplanted, etc on exactly the same schedule and have been subject to identical conditions (being roommates and all :slight_smile: ). I guess it must just be genetics with the specific seeds I got.

On another note, the PerfectPH appears to be working great. I was having significant fluctuations in pH on a daily basis, but with the PerfectPH it’s holding great at around 6.1. I’d like it a bit lower, but the girls seem happy…and if they’re happy - I’m happy!