Lucky you who live

Lucky you that live in a country/state where weed is legal :smiley:

I just need to get this out of my chest. I hope nobody minds. I tried to post under “Chat & introductions” but I’m not allowed to create a new topic there or to answer to existing ones (I wanted to answer to @Growernick about my favorite munchies, but couldn’t: it’s fruit Mentos and green apple juice).

Anyway, yesterday I had this parent meeting at my daughter’s school. My girl is 14, incredibly responsible (specially being my daughter) and she spends all her time reading books and manga, watching anime and painting. She’s a quite gifted artist. She does theater and extra drawing classes.

As soon as we got to the school they handed us out a piece of paper with several working places that will have open door days, so that pupils and parents can visit them in order to decide what to study at high school. Well, all of them were production plants or building sites. Don’t take me wrong, I have all respect for these professions and I’ve worked as pan-washer at big kitchens, unloading containers by hand and forklift, or as clerk at stores. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. But is it really necessary to try to drag the kids there? If a kid has the calling to do such a work he will know.

It’s a small town, but we have a big design center where more than 2000 people work, a huge photography studio where they make lots of ads and promotional videos, hospitals and university half an hour away… It has taken me years of subtle indications to make my daughter understand that she should study and try to work in something she loves, and she has decided to study art instead of something with a more secure economic future.

After the school manager made his speech and the teachers introduced themselves, a couple in their forties with red jackets, where it was written something that can be translated as “fielders”, came forth. The guy, half bold half shaven, spoke in a teenager register, which automatically gave the impression of an idiot who’s getting older and begins to suffer from Peter Pan syndrome. He explained that they were payed by the city to prevent the use of cannabis. He has been working in that area since 98, so he’s got a lot of experience and knows a lot.

After talking a bit and showing some pictures it became clear that their job is moving around town finding, photographing and collecting joint stubs and other cannabis consumption evidences. Of course, they inform the police of all their findings. He said such beautiful sentences as “We have spent so much money on the new multi-hall, and now some people gather around it by night an smoke cannabis. This is not what we spent so much money for!”

A parent asked him if one can identify if his kid smoke by the smell, and he had a whole speech about the differences of smoking inside or outside. I really had to stop myself from saying, first, that if you are worried, look your kid in the eyes: if he looks like a werewolf he’s been smoking, and second, that I would be much more concerned if my daughter started drinking alcohol, and I hope, in a bunch of years, to be able to share a joint with her.

Last, not least, the class main teacher told us to spy in our children’s computer. Amazing.

I hope I haven’t bored you, or gone against any rule by posting it here…



That’s not such a bad suggestion. I have a friend that her daughter killed herself because of online bullying (sound familiar, idiots!)

Anyway, she wishes she had known what her daughter was facing when she was alive to help her.


I understand what you mean, and I’m sorry for your friend, but it is not what that was about. It was about the school Microsoft Teams.

I agree that parents have to know what’s going on, but the school should inform us, not ask us to spy on the kids.


I wish I could have smoked with my dad before he passed. My brothers girlfriend did. And I was shocked because he was always talking down on marajuana. But other people and school’s have no business bringing up marajuana at a school meeting.


My parents and my brother smoke weed, my sisters don’t. Dad smokes very little, only on special occasions. When my mother comes to visit us she puts my stash under severe pressure. :smiley:

I would like to offer my daughter her first joint when the time comes. I want her to know she hasn’t have to hide from me and instead get some guidance. I can’t help her with her art, but I do have experience in smoking weed and hash.


Sorry for your loss.


I can’t spy on a kid… open lines of communication and parenting with care and concern and honesty… these fricking helicopter parents are part of the problem… I could on and on and on and fill pages on my beliefs but I won’t here as it is a Marijuana forum… but I get what you say and when you have something to say and can’t because of locks or not the right title on a forum one must start their own topics… whether I believe in what you say or not it is your right… and for the record… I don’t disagree with anything you said…


If you think it’s inappropriate to have this topic here I’ll remove it, if I can. Is it possible to delete a topic?

Don’t remove it… you grow from home you started a thread… you are in the Grow from home section… I know I am cool with it…


I changed the tag to “Random chat and fun!”. I think it makes a lot of more sense. I didn’t find it when I first posted… As I’ve said before in other posts, I can be quite slow-minded from time to time.

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We all can be…


You should see the stuff I drift into conversation and out haha .no biggie everyone here has been so awesome to let me be me,your awesome and keep it up my friend;)


Thanks a lot, Hoppiefrog! You’re awesome too!!! :smiley:


I would be doing everything I could to prevent kids from drinking if I were them, not going around looking for weed roaches. Nothing good happens when kids drink. Alcohol is the real gateway drug. Thank you for being a concerned father, and I definitely support you on this one. The people running that school look to be highly uneducated.

Sorry to hear your state isn’t legal yet. Have you thought about relocating? You shouldn’t have to hide for using a great medicinal and spiritual plant in this day and age. The education system there has warped views and the laws are draconian. Good luck on your journey.


Thanks @Michigeist

I live in Europe, not in the States :slight_smile: We already relocated here for 8 years ago, due to my job. I like where I work, my daughter loves it here and we’ve now bought a house, so relocating is not really an option now. Bigotry on drugs here is huge: alcoholism rates are high, but it is considered a sickness and socially accepted, while cannabis is included in the term “narcotics” without any nuance, and users are considered criminals. There is a lot of educating left to be done.


If you don’t mind me asking what do you do for a living, your obviously educated, just curious & srry if you already posted it

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No, I haven’t :slight_smile:

I work as Business analyst at a customer support center of a major company. I have worked for 16 years in the company: 11 in distribution, mainly in process development and continuous improvement, and 5 in customer support, both on performance and customer experience.

If my experience can be of any help to any of you, just say :slight_smile:


It sure could ,I’m trying to start a recreational production certificate here if all gos well I’d be happy to pay you to give me a hand with the business end of coustomer satisfaction :wink:

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And efficiency

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I’d be delighted to help. For me sharing your knowledge and wisdom is payment enough. You can always message me and I’ll try to do my best.