Lumigrow 650e lights not working

Hi there,
We’re actually commercial operation based in New Zealand waiting to be vetted on here but we have a problem with our Lumigrow lights not communicating with the wireless controller. Is anyone else experiencing the same problem and if so is there any quick fix to resolve the problem?


Don’t own those lights and haven’t seen anyone mention them on here either. My guess is get a hold of the manufacturer would be the first step. They should know their light better than anyone.


Thanks mate,
But that’s the problem…they’re not responding.
Was just wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same problem.
Hopefully someone else might have some experience with them?

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I dont have any experience with them, but I found these. Hope it helps.

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Hi Scott,

Greetings from Canada! I’m still trying to get myself to NZ to work in agriculture. I had a cannabis project I was doing consulting for near Tauranga the other year that fell through. Keep me in mind if you’re ever looking to add to your team.

Are you using the LimiGrow controller along with it, and is that lighting controller connected to an environmental controller? Unfortunately, the 650e fixtures are a few years old and wireless tech has come so far in that time.

Is there a chance that the fixtures can be hardwired? What kind of control do you want over the light/spectrum?

All the best,


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