Mold and Mildew

Does it makes sense that several hemp farmers are sitting on old-batch Stormy Daniels smokeable hemp flower, thousands of pounds that they were too cheap to store properly–what a bad joke to attempt saturating the marketplace with questionable hemp flower processed in Southern Colorado…?

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Hi, it seems in my eyes that farmers were uneducated and just thought they could grow, mow down, combine, and store wet hemp anyway they could cheap. The idea some farmers had in 19’ was grow as much hemp as possible and not spend any money and they literally produced moldy gardbage hemp and were clueless about post harvest. Plus the hemp went hot or it went hot from post harvest, and no way am I going to help a farmer sell biomass and put my reputation on the line for some bogus hemp full of bugs and no terpenes/oil.
Hemp Farmers over here didn’t listen to us and honestly not many farmers made a point to learn and figure out what went wrong and how to get better in the off season. So sad to see no motivation to learn and how to grow cannabis hemp farmers.
This is really bad for hemp industry and honestly out of about 10 hemp farms I visited and checked out in 2019, only 1 grew acceptable hemp but it was full of seed from pollen drift miles away and didn’t even reach 7%CBD with the energy going into the seed.
Most hemp farmers grew “Tri Crop” seed, fiber, and flower, and tried to sell it as all smokeable.
A corn farmers don’t realize that we cannabis ppl are growers. Input = output and I’m sorry decades of farming does not mean you know how to grow cannabis, hemp, or farm. An Amish Farmer straight up told me they have no clue what a male or hermy is? I showed an Amish Famiky photos of male and females in Mid Aug.
If the quality of hemp produced in 2020 is not significantly better, hemp will stay dead. .29999% Total THC is very tough outdoors.
In 2020, I said “no” to more hemp farmers or people thinking about getting into cannabis.

We at Key to Life Garden Pre Screen and Qualify a Hemp Farmer before we spend time with them.
I am glad 50% less hemp farmers in 2020.
With .299999% Total THC or less, farmers will fail badly in 2020 and lose alot of money.
Some will do well.
2020, in my opinion is 1 of the best years to grow hemp and make money. Especially in OH our 1st year with limted Hemp Permits issued.
For many hemp farmers go back to hay, corn, produce, the World needs food now.
For those cannabis farmers that want to do it right and make big money, the choice is on them. Holla.
Kyle M