No huh idk were that came from lol
It will just seal back up like a scab or something? It’s so little it of a break it looks normal unless you been the top then you can see it.
Is it ok to use tape for lst or will the plant suck in the chemicals?
Tape is a bad idea. for when you got to remove it you’ll damage the plant I’d just use some twine or even a bread tie
Cut it off lol
Something is or was munching on it. Look around carefully and especially on the underside of the leaves. Was this a one time shot or ongoing?
Electrical tape works great in spots where you won’t need to remove it.
Saran wrap works great for me. Stretches and no damage plus comes off clean.
I’ve seen gnats there’s other spots but they look like little tiny slits in the leafs not a chunk missing
Lots of folks use yellow sticky traps. Look em up on amazon. Yellow seems to attract several plant pests. Also Jack’s bug spray is safe and effective up to two weeks before harvest. I’ll see if I can find a pic of the yellow sticky stuff.
I have three of the bird shaped trap things from Amazon in there I just got them last night I’ll look at all the leafs real close when the lights come back on and ost them if I see anything thanks for the help
Watch for more cracks or trails that size. Could be leaf miners. Jack’s bug spray will take care of them and many others. Good job and good luck on your grow!
I was going to try to pick some of that up today before work if I get time. And thank you I’ve been trying to keep up with it. I just don’t know anything about it and trying to learn.
Anytime! You can tag me by putting @kdawg in the text fyi. @burndogg13
That’s stuff that I noticed that looked off to me the steams on some of the leafs are purplish and then the little browning on the tips of some leafs how does it look? @kdawg
I can only say from other pics I’ve seen but those little white spots may be insect eggs. Overall she’s looking great!
Or possibly the beginning of some kind of fungus/mildew?