Need help with 1st Hydro grow

@docdre @devjyarn When should i change the reservior? Ive been adding water to it when i notice it low
Also i added a small amount of microbe life root dip which is brown in color and i noticed the roots are brown now Is this a problem?

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Are you able to measure EC and pH of your nutrients? I would change them every 1 week just to keep things simple.

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Im able to measure Ph Just recently got a ph pen and i have a ppm meter For EC but by change do mean flush out the water completely?

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Yes, change it out completely each week. Even though the ppm might only drop slightly, the plants may have taken what they want and have left behind what they don’t need.


Oh snap! I should have asked sooner
Thanks again brudda


@devjyarn 4th time using this set up. Made the mistake of using too many of the sites last few times so brought it down to 2 this time thinking I’d have room. Going into 3rd week of flowering in this DWC/top feed system. How should I trim to maximize flowering. Grew so fast not sure how to cut them


I’m right there with you @donv, going into week 3 of flower in a dwc setup. I’d just take off all your fan leaves that are longer than your thumb. I go to town on my plants right now getting rid of my fan leaves to free up as much light to all my bud sites. I also lollipop my plants to focus all it’s growth on my tops. Not sure how comfortable you are removing lots of your plant’s growth?


I took these 3 plants @donv.

Took off a huge pile of fan leaves, then
Scrogged them…

Now, 2 days later theirs even more fan leaves that will come off. Then 6 weeks later I’ll have something like this.

If your plant is healthy you can remove all your fan leaves right now going into week 3. Gives our plants a day or two to recover so they can really focus on growing their flowers.


My new favorite way is to only cut off the nodes below the top 6, but not trim any fan leaves.

The grown leaves are like little nutrient storage backups that the flowers can pull from in case there is some kind of deficiency or stress they run into. The lower leaves will curl up and die or look sick as they transfer what they have up to the bud sites.

I’d trim the plants so the only buds are near the very tips of each branch (6-8 nodes per branch) and let all the leaves remain. Like pruning back suckers in tomatoes.