Pitch deck for new company

Looking for a copy of a pitch deck that worked for investors. I understand it will need changes for our new project…Must be done and given to investors by 15th or we will lose our investors:) …

Sharon Burns
Denali Accountants
928 272 7788


Hi Sharon,

We’re finding the book ‘Get Backed’ very helpful in our startup journey. It’s all about crafting your story and building the perfect pitch deck with examples and a lot of great info! Hope this helps :slight_smile:



This won’t help with pitch deck, but if you need template legal docs…you can find them here.


thanks I will look @ the web site

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Hi Karen,

Willing to e-help you with some ideas. But if you have your business plan laid out and some competitive market info add your long term plans and markers you wish to hit. I’ll assume they ( investors) already know your numbers (books) and are looking more for a pitch against competition/ plans vs. hello/ who are you?

The best pitch deck is personal. If any of your investors saw another deck that was just like yours - that would be bad. Focus on what makes you unique. Pictures and videos are great. Customer testimonials are great. PR is great. Ads/ marketing is great. Do not let them leave until they know who you are. Focus on your strengths but do not leave out where you will do battle/ compete. If there is a problem area provide a solution.

I’ve created pitch decks for startups, movies and pre-ipo funding. You can do this.

I am sure the internet has outlines and things that you can

Best of Luck!

Brad Detanna
818 269 0337

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I sent your info to CEO…Hopefully he contacts you today:)

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Sonoma–Santa Rosa

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Let me know how it goes. I have investors in the industry, if need be. Good luck! This is a lot of work, but you can do it!

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Amy…Yes give me a call and I will send you next week pitch deck and cash requirements. This will have 4 revenue streams two cannabis and other 2 products I will explain. So if the cannabis price lowers from 1800 per pound to 1000 we are protected
Also A large grow opening in Canada looking for investors I am CFO for both companies

Sharon Burns
Denali Accountants
928 272 7788 cell/text 602 245 0490


Just wonder…what happens when the price per pound goes to $650 or worse…and anyone can comment on current prices in Oregon. We are hearing some places are getting more for trim than they are for flower.

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I always have in my cannabis project 2-3 revenue streams so a fall in prices will not effect us…

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Please call me or email me sharonburns@denaliaccountants.com the pitch deck is complete we have 4 revenue streams 928 272 7788 landline cell /text 602 245 0490