Requesting Access to Groups

Hello @memberdirectory So recently I’ve been getting requests for people to join forum groups they don’t necessarily qualify for, so let me quickly explain the function of the various groups on the forum.

These groups are for people who self identify as members of that category. The purpose is to help other users find a group of individuals they want to network with, e.g. the “grow op owner” group is to let owners self identify and better reach users who need to contact grow op owners.

So how can you use the functionality? If you want to find a specific group of pros…

  1. Click the 3 horizontal lines next to the search magnifying glass.
  2. Click users/groups
  3. Explore the different groups of members to find people/specialties you want to network with.

If you feel your role in the industry IS represented by a particular group, feel free to join. Then members who want to find people in a specific role can find them in their particular group.

-Don’t request to join groups if you don’t represent that role in the industry.
-Groups are to help members find other members with specific roles in the industry