Show us your bud pics!

Looks like yes @mista_ebs


Damn fine buds there. Glad you can share them on here.


That looks like true polyploidy. So likely triploid, which is why its forming three branches at the nodal sites instead of 2. You might get a third cotyledon and node out of the fascination mutation but plants generally grow out of that phyllotaxy. The stem of polyploids is usually wider and looks “doubled-up” which I can’t really see by the picture but looks like it may. If you had the opportunity to clip a clone I would suggest working with it as polyploids have significantly higher levels of sesquiterpenes than their two set cousins which are much higher in monoterpenes. And triploids are sterile due to having an odd number of sets of chromosomes. If you had gotten a tetraploid it would have formed a four leaf clover as a seedling and have a true whorled phyllotaxy, the branching structure not the leaf mutation.


Yes! We do have some clones and yes, it smells like God’s armpit :blush:


@jj520 looks like some frosty rock hard buds!


Thanks @sdoyle @chrisj @chasfitter much appreciated there pretty solid with a diesely musty stank😉


This Lusty Lady has very very unique terps almost spicy :hot_pepper: an yet vanilla exhale it’s intense!


A few pics of the last harvest some super skunk with some very trichome covered tops


Trichomes looking like cotton candy lol


Looks bleached? Maybe idk :man_shrugging:t3: definitely crazyy looking


@HostileHippie420 No bleaching if it was bleached the hairs wouldn’t be orange is my thought :thinking: it’s some killer smoke very piney


@HostileHippie420 @jj520 thats light bleaching for sure. Ive done it a lot. 1. Do you use a par meter? 2. Is that light dimmable. 3. You could using too much light and wasting money on electricity. Also if the buds start bleaching dim the light or raise it a little. Bleaching means the bleached parts are getting over loaded with light and lose there ability to photosynthesize in the white spots in particular. Your just barely bleaching and if you werent almost finished id say raise or dim it. But i takes a plant 2 weeks to start growing green in the bleached spots. I did not notice any difference in quality or flavor. I just try my best to not stress the plants when there in flower at all. NO bumping the buds as i trim leaves. Keeping the water consistent and food at the same times. I run the plants really close to dry a lot so i need to keep the watering schedule on time. I work all day for 11 hours so i cant be home to check on them.


Some buds from last night

My favorite time in the budding when the buds really start to take off theres the tiny little lime colored spots in the buds where there getting ready get a lot bigger.


Here’s a good article on why I do not believe that it is photobleaching I believe it is having the conditions dialed in and pushing the reds I’ve been growing for quite a few years I do believe I have my room dialed in pretty good but anyways here’s the article I hope you enjoy
That’s why white tips differ from photo-bleaching | Philips lighting


Lol i never said you havent been growing a long time :facepunch:That article is fascinating! Thanks! I always believed it was bleaching but reading a bit more on that i have to say thats interesting AF!
I did notice that when my grows did happen to (bleach) that it was at a specific time in flower it happened also, usually late flower like 2 weeksish berfore being done. But some of the other plants in the same tent didnt bleach. So how did that happen? This article shed some more light on it :+1:
I have seen it 3 times out of 70+ plants and through 30+ strains.
And how long have you been growing @jj520 ?? I got a job a nursery back in the the early 90’s and my friends were all discovering weed! Myself included! Then we were like we can grow our own weed holy shit! That was it we started growing pot. I used to read high times a lot. The good old days!


No one says anything about your grow time bub I was just throwing it out there bc I hadn’t seen it before besides bleaching article definitely makes sense though very peculiar I love it!!


I was just stating that I had been growing for a while I have no issues I’ve been growing for about 6 years I just show my grows share my process and information and hope people want to join along the way to chat a little about growing I’m always game to learn new things but I have no issues with anybody


First grow. Hemp


That’s some nice looking buds my friend. I need to get some of @PreyBird1 genetics in my collection lol , I see lots of fire lookin plants from him :+1::+1::v:


Damn. That looks f-ing amazing, excellent job my friend :+1::+1::v: