I was gifted a few pacs of DFG seeds , will be my first time growing any. looking forward to popping a few in the near future
You won`t be disappointed!
Very cool , now choosing some will be the hard part . 5 to pick from. Lol.
Well after being very patient, I sent him an email yesterday after three weeks of waiting, which he didn’t even answer, asked him why he sent a email saying my order was shipped on the 18th but USPS says they still don’t have the package 7 days later. Got a notification from USPS that my package was on the way this morning.
I understand he is busy, and in law school, BUT he continues to hold raffles to sell seeds on his Discord server, and apparently is still doing some breeding as someone asked him about a particular strain, and he said it wasn’t released yet but that he would consider sending them the seed if they could put the strain in immediately, so there was no delay in the grow. How could you even ask that someone be timely on a grow, when you can’t get a simple order out for over three weeks??
But the important part is apparently the seeds are on the way now.
Are you on his Discord server?
Look em up on his sales page. Most have pics. Good luck with them.
No I am not. I guess I’ve ordered so many times from him, that I expect the long wait haha. I admit, it can be frustrating. I wish you good luck with the grows!
Thanks !! Well I guess if you have ordered that many times, then it must be fire stuff! Merry Christmas!
Well I’ll give you a heads up on one of theirs, Code Red. In a word don’t. Not just me none of my friends wanted to smoke it. Just low grade. Octane 91 very good.
Jeff takes a long time sending out orders. He puts enough free packs with every order that makes the wait worth it. @bigj hope u get some fire in them. Will be watch to see how they turn out
Aha, so your a DFG fan as well. I’m not, yet anyway… first time getting anything from him. I got in on the Thanksgiving buy one get 3 more deal. Hopefully he sends me some good ones along with the one I ordered.
I got the
LIMITED Re-Release Blackberry Moonshine BX1.
Thanks for the info…
Got in on 1 of his waffles and won like fifteen packs of seeds. He include some free packs with it took about 1 month to get them.
Yes his discord page sent me a notification that there was a waffle, I had no idea what a waffle was lol. So I didn’t go and put my name in. I guess if he sends me another invite I will do it. Gonna find out if his genetics are any good or not. The one I picked is supposed to be one of his best and re-released only 10 packs. They are regulars and were $100 which is a lot for regs.
I use mine pretty much solely for medicine. When i got covid, it messed up my lungs big time I had over 40 pulmonary embolisms, so breathing is not good any more. I like pot that I can get the relief I am after in one or two tokes. I’m not into to smoking a lot any more. Between my two arthritis’s, it’s just pain and swelling medicine for me now. The less smoke I have to inhale the better. It just hurts to smoke anymore. I also do gummies and cookies, which I don’t have to smoke, and I mostly do that. My buddies like to smoke joints, so when they are over they do that and I mostly watch lol.
Always on the lookout for the “holy grail” one toke bad assed weed lol.
And of course the better the weed the better the edibles too.
Damn marty i never knew this. Covid killed my wifes best friends husband in 6 days. And it was the 2nd time he had it. 1st time he was ok 2nd time dead. His 2 sisters also got it because he was stupid and invited them over for Thanksgiving when he was sick we tried to warn him be he was a covid nay sayer and refused any vaccines or social distancing and whatever. I have had 2 covid shots i wish i didnt because i never got covid and ive had 2 antibody tests and never had it. Theres no way im crediting that to a new un proven vaccine!
Yeah that’s why I disappeared for awhile. Was really sick. Was on oxygen for around 6 months at the house, dragging a bottle around to go shopping etc. It sucked. But I’m back to being able to go about my business pretty much normal, just can’t do a lot of exertion that takes a lot of breath. It’s all good.
Mine was the opposite, the embolisms happened the first time, the second and third time I got it, was just like a mild cold. I didn’t take the shots either, there is nothing better than natural immunity, some just didn’t make it out of the some of the rounds of it going around, and I think it changed a little as time went on.
I just have to be careful, and stay out of really busy public places for the most part. I haven’t had it for around a year and a half, so hopefully my body is geared up for it now.
Wow. Vaccinations almost eradicated Maisel’s, smallpox, polio. I think most people haven’t met anybody who had polio. I happen to have met someone that has, it’s no joke. None of these diseases are a joke. Vaccinations have saved millions of lives. Just sayin!
Looks like some killer strains!
Hey Hap;
My brother in law had polio, he was Chinese, they didn’t have the vaccine over there, one leg was like a toothpick, rolling limp. You are right if the vaccine is good and made right, but with all the reports coming out about the side effects of the COVID vaccine and embolisms in the lungs being one of them, I wish I hadn’t gotten the vaccine. I also find it extremely suspect that nowadays the only “medicine” coming out seems to be prophylactic rather than a cure, use for life. I really don’t think the pharmaceutical companies have any interest in making or selling cures any longer. All the vaccines that worked were made decades ago, and now with all the fancy dandy gene splicing, dna modification, completely mapped genome etc, they can’t manage to make anything that actually cures anything. What are we on now the forth or fifth “vaccine” for COVID? Just my take.