Under closer inspection many are above soil already haha
theres more up just hard to see them thru the domesAll alien orange congalese planted
all but three dominion seeds are up and second/third leaves visibleWhat ones do you have going on Dominion? I have four 6Mil growing and all four are males. I am collecting pollen that started dropping today.
Very cool. You going to do any preservation in form of seed?
I have munson,skunkband and granny skunk.
Id be happy to pollen swap if one looks like a female in structure and smells good as well
Id send pollen either way
Nice, I have the Munson and Skunkband also but not the Granny Skunk. I do have Freebird, Delta Blues and Shineapple. Going to grow a couple on next grow. My grow now for females is in second week of flower so a couple months left to go. If I get some good pollen I would be happy to send some.
That would be great . I haven’t tried their stuff yet but the reviews are sick… So i assume ur a big fan then;)?
Yes I think Duke has some really good genetics going. I also got a pack of his C99 x C99 S1’s. Cant wait to see what they do.
Thanks to RAP I found this!
I’ve got 21 dominion seedlings starting right now!
Nice what u growing?
13- Munson
4- 6 mil
4- Freebird
I’ve got Skunkband V2 and Sensi Hash plant x Afghani I will germ once there are teenagers.
I really want G13 Skunk. Rumor is they are having a Black Friday sale. I need more seeds like I need a hole in my head, but I’m almost as addicted to buying seeds as @rap!
At least he has a lot of space and is dropping them!
I have heard a few seed houses will be doing good sales for BF and CM
I will be picking up a bunch of stuff for sure
The freebird sure has pretty red hair theywere sold out lol, got any u wanna swap for granny skunk lol?