Volcanic Rock Dust

VRD: Volcanic Rock Dust is found 4 degrees above the equator in ultra rich, tropical, microclimate in Indonesia :indonesia: VRD is then screened through 200 mesh for consistency. Bountiful in trace and essential minerals :sparkles: VRD contains naturally occurring Hydrophobic Fulvic Acid, helps invigorate composting, is an ideal tonic for wormeries, and can be used in gardens, containers, and raised beds 🪴 Use VRD with vegetables, fruits, herbs, flowers, vines, trees, and shrubs :sparkles: available in 5lb & 55lb bags, check it out today at Glacial Rock Dust – Plan "B" Organics®


Use “Azomite” as a top soil additive (with kelp. compost mix, soil) in week 4 of veg and in transition stage of flower (week 1 or 2) Remember it takes 2 weeks for the top dressing to work. So I do add to basic soil mix also