What is the optimal temp and humidity for Veg and Flower?

if you scroll your mouse over it, it will say “upload”
(7th option from the left)

I’m an idiot. Thanks for the help.

Defol tomorrow.

doesn’t look like your stumbling too bad, good job man

Thanks brother. That’s my 600w room. My 1k room is vegging.
1p years I’ve been doing this, and everyday is a learning opportunity.

10 years. Lol.

Cant offer much advice, everything looks on point and healthy in the pic’s

if you look at our vertical up top, every other light is connected to a separate pulley system, the lights move up and down so it doesn't hit your plants too hard and helps the electrical bill
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Automatic vertical pulleys?
My wet dream.

Ya think I’m throwing too much light at them constantly. Only my 1k vert room is giving me hassles?

My other crazy plan in 600w.
Too much candy in my youth.

Rickles, I’d still be very interested in what temps (canopy and leaf) and rh, and your target vpd, you are running to make co2 work in a vertical setup.

does the same vpd chart go for led growers as well as hps?

This is super cool. I’ve been reading up on vert stuff. Im going to set my veggies and orchids up this way