Woow jus woow

@Ladithief @scotty17 @PreyBird1
Bro laget jus had some1 send me a private mesg asking how can I buy from u ? Like wtf is this coming to I said it’s not happening but idk how to even respond any more I looked at this guys shit he’s been on the site 1 day and has no replies clearly doesn’t know how to make friends
Figured u guys wood get a kick

You responded perfectly…lol…

Says a lot as no one every has wanted to buy mine…lol…

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But I like don’t understand stand what people are thinking when making a files on this forum to ask ppl to make illegal sales it’s a growers forum for growers not buyers

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Are u being serious?

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Yoo gift me some of that butter and il hurt u some money hahaha jk

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**gift I hate my auto correct

I think some of ur shit looks fire af if I had new u personally I’d def hang out w ya


Look at this he jus passed the fuck out

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That’s my fuckin boy his name’s Ivan Uriah

Nice and love kids for being kids…

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I had 2 people try and buy mine. (Not bragging) This one guy hits me up every 4 months asking if hey can fly in and buy some and smoke and hang. Because he cannot seem to get the real runtz strain according to him And i always blow that guy off. It gives me the creeps! And hes prolly a narc.

Lol that happens a lot trust me. Usually i just tell them we sell nothing. Only knowledge to grow weed and learn and thats free.
Edit: oh also flag the post so the moderators catch it. In case they overlooked it somehow?

I get it too :joy:… I fuck with them lol… Check it out new remix from 3 days grace… First is original version