1st. Time Octopot Grow Granddaddy P & Northern Lights

Yeah I see that. 6 months isn’t a long time. I picked up 8ozs to start.


Well I am an OLD time grower…this place is great, and frankly all this new stuff wasn’t around way back when, there has been more horticultural research done since the pot revolution than at any other time.

Question, I went to Octopots website and was reading their instructions, and when I saw your grow on here my first thought was wow imagine if you put a air stone in there too…then I read DO NOT put a air stone in the reservoir. Then I read further because I realized that the way they have done it is to leave most of the reservoir extremely humid air and wick the water up from the bottom into the coco coir. This is very interesting! However I wonder if you could enhance it more with spray heads aeroponics? But I must admit I tend to overthink things too much lol. It looks like you have grown in just about every method and this is your favorite ? I might have to get me some of those, and they have a six pack which is what we are allowed on our legal grows here…six flower six veg, and six clones.

When you add water during your grow say full on growth in the middle of veg, how much do you add to each reservoir ?


Awesome! I really do like to promote Octopots as much as possible. The owners are nice folks. It’s not some huge commercialized “child” company of another huge “parent” company. Husband and wife - vision and grit to start a company. Bless them :+1:t2:

I fill with fresh nutes, about a gallon, every 3-4 days. Usually 4.

Perfect systems if you need to get outta Dodge for a couple of days.

I have grown some of the best plants with these systems. Top shelf :+1:t2:

Tag me on your journal. Would love to join


His videos on you-tube are awesome. You can tell he’s a good guy. He gives lots of info. Sometimes I think he just got done blowing one before the video.


Well actually my 5 gal fabric pots let me go for 4 days in-between watering. So about the same. I just like the novel idea of it. Making the statement that it is more productive than DWC or hydro is pretty strong stuff. I will have to wait on trying these…just bought a set of 10 gal fabric pots and saucers for my next grow and 8 blocks of Canna coco. And you will have to teach me how to tag you, still pretty new on here…only been here a couple of weeks, poked and prodded a bit but didn’t find anything called 'tag" lol. Bear with me I’m old lol.


Two years until you open then six months after that is what my bottle said.

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I can only get 2-4 days with 5 gallon air pots … That’s during bloom and targeting ideal VPD. Only get a couple of days in my Current Culture DWC. The Octopots are a vacation for me :v:t2:

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Today’s pics before I leave for work.

Northern Lights


Couple more pics.


Good things happened today. Got my Pulse monitor this morning in the mail. Now in the tent and glad I purchased it.
Nice info now at my hands to use.

And today makes 4 weeks old for my plants. GDP is just at 5in and the NL just a hair under 5in.
I fimmed both of them the other day and added in my net.


Got a new toy for the tent back just before Thanksgiving. Been changing some this like putting the humidifier inside of the tent instead of the room the tent is in. Today was a good day for plants. Having a issue with the GDP. Thinking its a combo of needing cal-mag but having my light too close to the plant. After using my light meter I ended up moving lights on both plants to around 19 inches above them.
Let’s see what happens.

My new toy is a Pulse monitor

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Sorry for the long time of no updates everyone. Been a crazy busy time. I switched over to 12-12 on 1-17 making this the start of the 2nd week of flowering. Had issues with the front plant. Ended up getting Cal-mag with iron supplement. Things got better. Plant doing alot better. At one point I was thinking I was having a nutrient lock out as it just kept getting worse even on the newer growth. The plant behind it been doing good all along.
Didn’t do much LST on the back plant. Just wanted to spread it out some.

Now this last Saturday

Here’s a picture of the roots on the plant up front.

Not bad looking. Read horror stories on what to watch out for. Nice a white roots.