5 weeks old, AC/DC sort of.
Got the seeds in an ounce of ac dc i bought.
The weed was high cbd low thc
The seeds that came with this plant must have been
Accidentally crossed with a high thc strain.
The last plant i grew from these seeds was so sticky with resin
That i couldn’t use my hand grinder, just gummed it up.
Best weed ive ever vaped.
Your correct AC/DC has moderate CBD with lower TCH and it gets really frosty and huge.
The seeds that you found in your bag are they brown and mature? The grower could have overlook a male in the grow and this can be considered damage or your treasure.
Kyle M
The seeds are mature ,have grown a couple of plants From theses seeds
Crazy strong …no way that its pure AC/DC, got about 100 seeds they germinate fast first fan leaves get upwards of 3 inches across.
Dont think ill ever know what it was crossed with…
My wife uses AC/DC To sleep i decarboxylated what i thought was ac/dc and she ingested it…she got fried and was not happy…i on the other hand
Have an amazing high thc strain now by accedent