8 hours later

I have a deadmau5 tat lmao. Hes one of my faves

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When I said my girls buds were tiny…:joy::yum::grimacing:

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I fukking love EDM bro

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Lyrics is true artistic talent in music… today’s radio play is controlled… same 10 songs on the radio on repeat… mainstream media is geared towards hypnotizing the masses… it sucks… im apart of the masses myself just enlightened… cannabis will enlighten us all… really soon too… our planet is bleeding from what we all have become… just bury our trash was the mentality… our ecosystem is at risk…I want to make it a better world for my daughter… not by social distancing or hand sanitizing or wearing a mask but actually trying to make this world a better place by knowing its not all about us on this planet at this moment… not doing what we are told is right

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Beautifully said dude. I have no cable or FB just for that reason. And i live in BFE. Fukk the city. We r supposed to help take care of mother earth. Shes our teamate!

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Didn’t get to finish the one from last night. My dog decided to eat some paper and my pic was one of them. I passed out with my clip board lying on the floor next to my bed. :sob:I started another. Ran out of light blue ink. Its not much. Just whipped it up. I need new pens anyways. Dollar General pens suck lmao