A thought for cups

So I know a lot of you are big on the various cups around the world. So i was curious if any interest in a professional league style. Example thake 32 teams from around the US (for now) group them like any Big four sports conferences.
So this would for basically professional sports models. Featuring a regular season. Aswell as playoffs, division champs. And of course the Super Cup.
Each team Competes once a month. Different plant each month. Winner gets National Bragging rights. Losers come back better next year.
What do you guys think. making cups more competitve and engaging.
Just a thougt


Vary cute can I be the judge?

Do I get free samples.


Lol. the referees(Judges) would have to be made up of experts.


Define “Experts”? Lol🤠


Expert, someone who makes every mistake at least once.

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Exactally what it says. experts in the field. from all aspects of growing. thinl of it like NFL but with cannabis instead. people get behind teams. Look at the Esports model. the way cups are held, leaves soo much to be desired. lets bring passion and real competition to this field. The Super Cup, since we cant say Super Bowl (not even sure i can say that). Could be huge.

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Someone. Who you cant BS,who is WELL versed. reputable in the community(I know). Someone who knows what they are looking at. There is probally thirty people on thos forum good enough.
Remember the NFL model. You would need Jude oversight. training and rules etc. Team owners. No banned substances the whole show.

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Sports analogies are totally over my head. Is the NFL the game with the pointy ball or round one. :face_with_monocle:

If you can give a floral analogy I might get it. I am just a red necked flower farmer.

Just a reference to discribe a structure level. and how competitive it could actually be.

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We could define it as the nested set of all leaves on a plant.

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I am new to cups, I get what they are generally about, but I am curious about how this would be broken up. Would there be leagues for different grow methods like a soil vs non-soil division? I love the idea and would definitely like to hear more about it! :slight_smile:


Well this is all kinda just thoughts at this moment. However i think each class should be separate. A team can compete in more then one class. Or the class of your chosing.


Best non-cannabis flower? :wink:


between hydro, soiless, and soil cannabis species. this is a cannabis cup series