About the Dakine 420 category


This category is for Dakine420 to post news and answer questions about their services. We have @dakine420 on the community available to help you out. Feel free to @ tag them in your questions to alert them.

At Dakine 420, we believe that slick marketing is no substitute for solid science. A lot of plant fertilizers and supplements on the market simply do not have a firm foundation of rigorous research and analysis.

Dakine 420 is masterminded by a group of botanists, chemists, horticultural specialists and other highly-qualified professionals with over a half century of combined experience, working in state-of-the-art indoor growing facilities. Our team has one goal: To create scientifically-proven products to best maximize your yield. Our team combines PhDs and Master’s degrees with a pragmatic, roll-up-your-sleeves and get-your-hands-dirty gardener’s passion.

Our crew of mad scientists and incurable green thumbs has taken the time to develop finely-tuned products you can trust. High quality produces healthy plants; healthy plants produce higher yields; higher yields mean more money in your pocket! Whatever you’re growing, you will see the difference using Dakine 420 products. Order now and see for yourself.

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