About the Hash and Extract from Home category

This category is dedicated to all discussions related to safe hydrocarbon, CO2, and solventless extraction from home.


I am seriously hoping to have everything figured out here by Friday… as I am hoping to journal a closed loop butane run with dried herb and a 1lb x 5 gallon washing machine run with dried herb…


'tis but Monday


Yep but feeling that busy…


So the column and wash bag are just chilling for a few days… still looking good for an exciting Friday…lol… 1/4lb in the column and 1lb in the bag…


The washing machine is down and patiently waiting…


The most important tool for closed loop extraction… you never heat your butane over 120F… the cold side is best around -70f or colder with the dry ice… and the one rule to keep you doing things right is… Heat chases cold… where the butane is, is as close to 120F as you can get and where you want the butane is as cold and under a vacuum as you can get…


1/2 ounce of Black D.O.G from the last fresh frozen wash… full melt as I can run it through the dab rig with no shitty black carbon build up from plant matter… straight up trichome… and the flavor and the high are impeccable… this run both the column and the wash will be dry/cured mix of stuff I just want to get rid of from a few grows ago…


a sample I kept old school for those people that can’t come to the new age of extractions…lol… this was part of another 1/2 ounce from the same Black D.O.G wash just not as dry… that cannot be smoked in a dab rig and keep it clean…


What you gonna do with it then?


It can be piped can’t be bladed because as soon as the knife is 1" away it melts and has to cool to get it…lol… it’s good in joints… but at the end of the day I want to wash to make hash, dry the hash and then press the hash… good for a dab rig now…lol… so extract the extract…


This was a previous rosin press… 21g of Mazar-I-sharif hash from the northern province of Afghanistan… got about 33-35% return here…


This is one of my wife’s favorite dab material…


My laboratory for the rest of today…

It’s about to get exciting…lol…


Vacuum on the receiver started…just waiting for the dry ice to arrive and pack the dewaxer column…


And a reminder… I am multi tasking… doing a 5 gallon hash wash with a pound of mixed dried bud and a 1/4 pound column run of mixed dried bud… and these are top tier buds grown by us… I don’t like larf runs…lol…

25,45,73,90 and 120 micron bags ready… 120 into the 90 into the 73 into the 45 into the 25… must be in that order for the microns size to catch properly…

so the wash will be 2.5 bags of ice and then the material bag then 2.5 bags of ice then water to the fill line… I will describe the settings when I get that far…

Vacuum chamber ready to receive the pre-purge processed shatter…

The washing machine will be on the spin cycle soon…lol…

Call this success… I will have a yield percentage later… but by volume I have never pulled that much before… it was actually 360g when weighed referring to product bag…not hash…

Sending the butane through the column… heat the butane res and the collection tank gets vacuumed and shilled to about -80 to -90F

Sending the butane back… heat the collection res and vac and cool the butane res

My assistant who quality controls everything

The pour before the purge

Small sample of the 120 micron wash… another 2-3 days it should be dry enough to crumble…

Did a couple small balls in the wife’s pipe and it is POTENT…lol…

Looking to learn how to use terpenes into extractions… @420Addams you speak this language… I am sorry as I have yet to read the terpene article… hopefully tomorrow…

@Packee… now that you are here… I don’t have to be so me,me,me…lol…


Which brand of washing machine are you using?