About the Streamline Business Systems category


This category is for Steamline Business Systems to post news and answer questions about their services. We have @willie.streamline on the community available to help you out. Feel free to @ tag them in your questions to alert them.

We are a Full Charge Accounting Firm offering its expertise to the Cannabis Industry. With the Federal Government strengthening its attack on the Industry through excessive taxation and penalty assessments. Streamline Business Systems Inc. (SBInc) has made it our mission to study the tax laws and interprets it to you, our customer, in order to allocate each and every deduction available to you. Offering clear and concise reporting from monthly reports, charts and graphs through to the year end processes. We know how to set up your company to allow for deductions others have overlooked. We can help you to be successful and complient. All work is done offsite with all reports within easy access, whenever and where ever you want them.

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