Welcome to the Ventana Plant Science review and testing category. Stay tuned for more info as we prepare to get this latest test under way!
Throwing in the CannaCribs Podcast Nick did with George, the formulation chemist for Ventana Plant Science Worth the listen if you have a couple hours to kill. If you want to skip some of the intro background, go to 34:20 in the video where they start chatting about problems with some other nutrient lines in the market today. George is wealth of knowledge. Listening to him will make you a smarter grower.
What medium would work best with the Ventana Plant Science - Complete Nutrient Line Kit? Living soil, Ccoo, Fox farms happy frog, ECT. Also it said to not add any other nutrients so I guess we should not have to add any cal-mag? And if using it to grow autos should how much should you reduce the nutrient feeding recipe by?
Thanks in advance
Heya Yoda! The VPS Nutrient line was designed for any growing method. It can be used in all inert media (coco, rockwool, hydroton, etc) and in soil. Just remember that in soil, nutrients are considered amendments and should be added carefully according to your plant’s needs.
You do not need to add CalMag when using the full VPS line as the Support contains your needed Calcium and Magnesium. You can add additional products to your nutrient program when using VPS, just make sure to add them after mixing the nutrients to your solution and to pH the solution after. While VPS typically doesn’t need pH adjusting if used alone with starting water between 5-7 pH, any added products may alter the pH.
If you plan to grow autoflowering varieties with VPS, we recommend you start at the current feed chart rates as the current feed chart (as of 09/08/2021) includes minimum feed levels and work your way up from there. However, I have seen some autoflowering plants enjoy up to 2.8 EC in home grows, so all varieties will be different. My advice is to experiment and/or match known successful nutrient programs and adjust from there.
Let me know if that answers your questions!
Thanks for getting back to me Mike I am a bit of a nube I was planing on using a mix of Fox Farms Cultivation Nation® Seventy Thirty Growing Media mixed with Happy Frog and about 40% perlite. I think the Fox Farms Happy Frog does have some nutrition added. Do you think I would be better off just using the Fox Farms Cultivation Nation® Seventy Thirty Growing Media or if you have any recommendations please let me know as I don’t plan of starting my grow until October. And I want to try to have the best results possible. I also plan on using an Octopot grow system.
Thanks Mike!
dude that is basically what I’m growing in! I’m using mother earth 70/30 coco perlite with hydroton pebbles added for increased aeration. IMO the autopot pots dont get quite enough dry out time so adding in large inert media like hydroton pebbles, #3-4 perlite, or rockwool bits ensures your rootzone has adequate aeration and doesnt stay a soggy mass.
Remember if your media stays waterlogged for too long it can cause things like Mg deficiencies or pathogen infections. Autopots stay pretty wet so instead of the happy frog I suggest adding big inert media.
If you wanted to use the happy frog or you had some, I would put my rooted clones or seeds into happy frog to germinate/build more roots then transplant that into the 70/30 mix in the autopot pots.
Thanks Mike I think I will just use the Fox Farms Cultivation Nation® Seventy Thirty Growing Media with some added perlite. I really appreciate your advice and quick responses.
no problem! make sure to share pics of your grow when you get it up! If you have any other buildout questions feel free to PM me! Thanks!
Hello there I am using the Vantana line up for the very first time. I like to make a few 5 gallons of feed. How long can I keep the nutrients mixed until they start to degrade or go bad ? Do they have to be ariated ?
Hey guys I’m in week 6 of flower. Day 42 to be exact. I’m using the basic Ventana nutrient line up. I’m curious how you guys go about flushing your plants before harvest ? The feeding chart shows till week 8 then flushing for extracts. Can anyone give me an example of how you go about flushing your plants pre harvest. Any and all advice is welcome