Ack! Scared of failure, but here goes my first journal - old subject line LOL

he is 10 yrs old. i hate to tell him they are going to take away my keys by the time he gets to the NFL… plus he is little like my side. if he gets in the NFL its because they needed someone to deliver the gatorade


Ummm… when you’re 16 and on your way back to your parent’s house, the back seat of a cop car is just the waiting room for the ass-whooping that’s surely coming up. :rofl:


Mama always says, “Stay hydrated, Bobby Boucher!“



This is EXACTLY what I pictured when she said that. Waterboy. LOL … thank you for putting it in an image, etc. LOL

Just finished my last chop. Everything hurts.


644 minus 214 grams (weight of tray) for wet trim. Can’t do math right now.


Okay, nearing the end of my grow and I have a few questions:

Which phase is the true weight of harvest? After drying/curing?

My new cheapie wood moisture meter suggested that my drying was done after 5-6 days per drying plant. The readings were 6 to 9%, so to me that is too dry, right? I had other signs, too, such as the stems sorta cracking, not bendy. Crunchy like buds. My curing jars are all almost full with hygrometers inside that all read 61-63% and I burp them daily. Does it sound like I’m doing okay?

For my next grow, do I continue on with this same journal or start a new one? And to add to that, is it possible to change my profile name since I’m no longer a 1st time grower LOL?? When I came here in February, I wasn’t serious about growing. I was playing with some ancient seeds that wouldn’t germinate. So, I didn’t create a longterm moniker. Too funny, huh? Now, I’m addicted and already planning my next grow.

I know I have more questions, but I’ll stop there. Thank you all SO much for all your help, your friendships, your jokes, your stories. I really love this site.


Now you have to think of it like this is it green or is it dry when you go to the club and buy it. Final weight of a grow is dried trimmed and ready to put away. I personally just keep one journal going seems easier to me if someone asks a question I can refer them to some more back in the journal rather than to referring them to a whole different one. And if you wanted to change your nameOf your journal I’m not sure but I think it could be done. Haven’t tried that yet.

When you use the moisture meter and you get that low you bust them off trim them up and throw them in jars and wait 24 to 48 hours for the moisture to balance between the inside and outside of the plant most the time it will bounce back up around 60 or so but sometimes it needs a little more moisture so I personally take a quarter sheet of paper towel and put ro water on it and ring it out it dry as I can get it put it in the jar overnight. And then go from there. When burping the jars if my moisture starts dropping too much I stop burping. I only usually burp for a week or two after I hit my optimum moisture. Others do it different but this works for me. Or should I say it worked. I have retired my jars and I’m now using Grove bags… that’s all I got. :man_shrugging:


You can edit your name in preferences. I like a separate journal each grow, just in case I need to go back and see what I did different, (easier to find things for me). You did a great job!


i thought it was important to know how much / weight i got from my first grows. then i realized i didnt really care. as long as i had weed i was a happy girl. so now i just call it jars. i dont sell it sometimes i cant keep it so it comes down to do i have enough? i have more jars this time so i did better. :green_heart: :crazy_face:


Lol! I only keep track of the weight to help me deterime if a change I made helped or hindered!


i really believed you were supposed to weigh everything in the beginning! so far i have bought 2 scales. i have neither. i decided to quit driving myself crazy. anyone new should know take the plastic cover off the scale when you weigh it out or your whole grow will be 1 gram. i did that


I just looked up the weight of my 1st grow of LA Woman and compared it to my last harvest of LA Woman. It really shows how much I have learned from this great forum. 1st grow 14 grams per plant, last grow was 383 grams per plant.


that is a big jump! :green_heart: :evergreen_tree: it just gets better and better! :smiley:


Yes, journal names can be changed and I’ve changed mine once. I guess I have some time before deciding whether to start a new journal or continue this one. I can sure understand keeping one over multiple journals. I may just do that and change my journal name again to something longterm.

I’ll have to look into grove bags … thank you so much!!


I’m going to give the name changing a try when I come up with a good one. Haven’t decided about separate journals yet. I have time. Thank you!


Good ‘weigh’ to think about it LOL

Now, there’s a good reason to keep track. I’m a data gal so I’ll probably keep weighing.

LOL … that’s like putting your fan facing the wall LOL … uh, what plastic cover? LOL


She likes that fan story P…
I’ve never weighed anything, always say I will but - nu- uh… I’m in no mood to do anything when I’m done slicing it up… and then it’s too late after it’s jarred cuz I already got rid of some or sampled out a bit or the wife chimneyd some bi-now… LoL .I’m sticking to my excuses. I will some day… when there’s a rainbow with a pot-o-gold & a troll.
I’ll have you know I can take credit for a username … Capt. Cola on ILGM wanted help w a good one. THUS ol Loc got 2 tinkin’ & Capt Cola be his name :name_badge:.
Yup… thank you. Thank you…:relaxed: I thought so too… R U a gambler - Sammy the Budd!
Just funny -C’mon Karen, Mrs. Greenthumb, Mama Bud Bear, Stinky Pinky, Happy days fan - Pinky Trichsadero
Lmao… sorry that’s a fun game!!!


Okay, let’s see what you can do for this in helping me with a username … about me … in no particular order:

  • I love animals (mostly kitty cats) and all types of wildlife.
  • I’ve been in the academic library field 30+ years.
  • I’m big on reading/education/critical thinking skills.
  • I love veggie, flower and shrub gardening.
  • I love weed in all forms and love trying new ways to use it.
  • I collect peace signs and crosses and cat statues.
  • I love to view the salmon jumping season every Fall
  • I love college football: Sooners & UW and Seattle Seahawks.
  • My favorite vacation includes anything ocean related except cruises
  • My favorite activity is sitting on the porch with a cup of coffee or wine and watch the crazy birds, squirrels, deer, raccoons, or whatever else comes around. I have a knack for getting wildlife to come to me to eat out of my hand. Takes a lot of patience. My neighbors call me Snow White.
  • My motto is ‘do the right thing’ and I’m big on asking people WWJD when bullshit is happening in religion and politics.
  • I hate politics, but am very political, but wish I didn’t have to be.
  • I have two wonderful kids in their mid 20s and they like me. LOL
  • I’m a HUGE fan of singer/songwriter Greg Dulli and any of his bands and will fly to his shows along with a lot of other Greg Dulli groupies.
  • No, I don’t gamble. I’m too cheap/frugal … I’m very frugal.

Did you make it this far? Sounds like I’m on a dating site …


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: i love it! Did you make it this far? Sounds like I’m on a dating site … :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
i just used my email since 2004 for my name. i just told my kids i was smoking. baby steps. i raised the most straight laced kids on the planet. they like me occasionally. i am inappropriate. i am so proud of them. they are not like me. they turn 39 in december.
now i have to see who greg dulli is :green_heart:


So you’re basically Snow White?
Sammy of Locksley

Edit - Omg… I have a habit of skimming through s*** and not reading it fully. Didn’t even see the snow white part?!! LMAO


That’s hilarious!