AeroGarden Progress

ALRIGHT, cause the pictures weren’t processing. should I lollipop this girl? she flowering! this is week 3 as of yesterday of the 12/12 change.


Looking great, how much space do you have above the canopy?


The plants size (inches) 17 x 9 x 18.75

I’m not sure what canopy means, I apologize and the Spider Farmer is the recommended height and I keep the aero garden at all times 2 inches from the highest point, and have a stick light that I pull over the smaller side. the stem got fucking THICK and the flowering sites are exploding w pisols all down the stems and pushing through the top. is that normal?


I usually lollipop before I switch to flower. Then I do a heavy defoliation between 14 and 21 days and then again about three weeks later. I have found it once you go into flower keeping your heavy foliage trimed up it can help keep from having high humidity and mold problems. :+1:t3::v:t3:


Thank you! I will just trim up some of the spaces, week 3 of flowering now. I was thinking I should take off the few spots that haven’t quite sprouted pistols yet. there’s only 2 I think, but maybe that’ll help get this plant getting larger buds.


I know it sounds counterproductive, but if you remove most of the larger leaves now, more will grow back really quick. It seems to promote flower growth when you do this. Also, removing the small inner flowers that won’t get much light I will send much more energy to the flowers on the top. I will tag you are my journal so you can look around. :+1:t3::v:t3: