Aeroponic Cloner timer cycles?

So im always trying to save electricity. And i was curious about if anyone here who clones. Sets there cloner to go on and off and cycle rather than just leave it running?
Also im asking this because. I just had a power strip die and the cloner shut down and i think i lost 18 choice cuts. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: i havent checked yet this morning. But when i discoverd them last night it was not looking good. I raced to mist them and I get another powerstrip from the inventory. But it not looking good.


Have you tried the Gas Lantern Routine? 12h of light, then lights on again in the middle of the night for 30-60 minutes to keep the plants from flowering? That’ll cut your veg electricity by 30%.

I’ve always just let my aero cloner run all day, but know some that go 15 minutes on, 15 minutes off.


I am wanting to do the gas latern bad. But im stuck in a perpetual staged grow currently. Last time i played with the light i revegged 6 plants. Because i shortened the hours and it cause an unintended flowering. So i just revegged and cloned.


I hear you! I took the plunge on recommendation by @bradahhaole and switched my veg plants to the Gas Lantern Routine a few weeks back and braced for the worst, but they’ve been growing like mad and without any issue.

I have mine running 12h days, then lights on for 30min in the middle of the night.


I use a timer on my cloner. I run it up/down all the way around. On for 15 minutes and off 15 minutes. Better results that always on. I keep the T5 on 24/7.


Yes @devjyarn I am so excited your trying it!!!


Nice im switching today i need another timer to make it happen. Im doing it.


What kind of distance does your system have between the nozzle and the bottom of your root basket? Setting up a new system.

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Depends on how strong the pump is. I did mine with like 6” gap.

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Can I switch mid grows? Veg and flower?

Sorry not understanding the question…you can go to flower at any time but coming out of flower to veg causes hard core stress… it can be done… just starts raising hermie chances… this answer is based on my comment not sure what you were asking… if it was specific to @PreyBird1 comment then I apologize…

if you mean switch the lights mid growing from an allready established light cycle. NO your plant will flower and then revegg big time and it will still strech and then finally in 30 days it will be back to vegg mode. I did some testing on clones taken from revegged plants and what i have to say is meh! I dont recomend it. I find you get 2x the buds. right sounds good huh…not! the bud size will be halved and youll have a shit ton of little berry sized buds and there oh so fun to trim all F’n day long no im kidding not fun I have found when cloning there are things you dont do. And revegging takes wayyy to long. it’s a fun experiment 1x. I wont do it again except to save an already flowered plant i harvested. So if I didnt clone before I flowerd the plant. I could still have it again later. But that depends on what part of the plant you cloned.


You gave the explanation I couldn’t as I am really fucking high On THC-a… and still couldn’t if sober…lol…but that is what my mind was saying…lol…

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That thca is no joke! I bought some 3 months ago and still have alot of it. I was like to much! Lol. I was vauge I’m sorry. Can I switch to the gas lantern style even if I have plants in 12/12 and plants in 18/6. So switching both areas to the lantern style even though they statmrted in another cycle? I read there is also a flower gas lantern timing.

Lol i had to read mine twice and retype. I have a bad habit of fat fingering the keys and not fixing it. Oh well i dont have the patience for typing sometimes its so slow on a phone mini keyboard.


You can switch the flowering one becaue its already flowering. But the vegging tent must be started on this schedule and not switched to this schedule any light change from the light schedule will result in a flowering that will happen in 10-12 days. Then 10-12 days more for the plant to realize what happened and switch back.

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Awesome sauce. I have a bad habit of speed reading my proofs.

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If u don’t me bugging you again, Do you use cloning gel with the cloner??

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I use clonex gel when i clone. In fact i just did 24 plants tonight and cloned my entire garden.


Nice move brother… Can’t wait for backcrossesd… Looking healthy as fuck ready for transplant