Alcohol Extractors for Sale

Hello everyone,
I have 2 well maintained alcohol extractors for sale. Purchased them at about $100,000 per machine. I am moving away from the extraction and looking for a quality home for these SprayVaps. Additional information on these machines can be found at

Price is negotiable for a great deal.
The SprayVap® is a continuous, closed loop liquid-liquid phase separation system designed for those who seek to produce high quality oil in a high throughput system with minimal maintenance and labor. Utilizing falling film technology in a safe, non-pressurized, reliable, easy-to-use design, the SprayVap® quickly and efficiently separates tinctures into two distinct streams, concentrated oil and purified distillate.

When closed looped with the TripleXtract® system, SprayVap® can convert 20 - 1000 pounds per hour to oil. Low temperatures and short residence time help preserve all the essentials for the highest quality oil.

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