It is definitely something interesting and worth trying, to increase the numbers of harvests. and it should be easy to design a system to carefully track all stages and make a solid conclusion based on data. The main thing that I would suggest is that the trial must be in a functional facility with a considerable number of plants and different varieties. Small R&D trials could be misleading. I am not a fan of trials with a couple of plants and only one variety or cultivar. I can PM you later to discuss it furthur.
Where do you purchase all your scientific testing supplies?
The lab results on potency are unfortunately can be misleading. On the grower sides, due to the marketing value of THC/CBD, the sampling can be done biasedly. On the laboratory sides, unfortunately many labs are not doing a great job in validating their methods and I am not aware of any lab that participate in proficiency testing program, which is a must.
In Canada, the federal legalization is paving the road to standardization and I know that some labs are starting proficiency testing. So hopefully, we will see less paradox in lab results of the same sample. In addition, because of the price of the cannabis, usually a fair amount of product is not sampled. Just to mention some of the reasons why there are many misleading lab results…
In addition, you are right, cannabis is more than THC and CBD, and hopefully with customer awareness, the other tests such terpenes are becoming more important.
Supra THC (with the current name of Valens lab) is the “Centre of Excellence in Plant-Based Science” with Thermo Fisher Scientific. So mostly work with Thermo.
If you could offer one key piece of guidance to young people, breaking into the cannabis industry, especially young women, what might that guidance be?
What are your thoughts on patents and their role in your work? What do you think can be done to make patenting and data usage more ethical in the cannabis space, where there’s definitely a lot of innovation happening in labs and, still, a lot of information still underground?
The timing is perfect because the opportunities are endless. So much to explore and learn. At the same time, it can be overwhelming and there are unfortunately many claims and false directions. It took me some time to learn how to avoid unnecessary noises and misleading directions. So maybe my advice is to do a good research on everything that comes on your way. I hope it makes sense
The other thing is to expand your network, do not be shy to reach out experts and ask for help and at the end of the day, try to make your decision only based on facts.
Great information!
What has been your biggest mistake as a grower? What did you learn from that mistake?
There is a great space for patents in both horticulture part and technology and you are right, many information are hidden underground. due to the speed of the industry and the profitable aspects, many are working individually and I think that will not benefit anyone at the end. If the industry was more established, it would make it much easier for innovations that find their ways to the commercial stage. I hope I answered your question. I apologize if not.
Is there a lot of weed consumed in Iran? We don’t really get good information about Iran here in the US, and I wonder if marijuana popular there.
Where it is not a direct contact surface is SS justified?
Thanks for your perspective. IP is a tricky topic.
I think in the grow plastic is not an issue for plants. The leach product either have the wrong polarity or are two big for absorption.
From the voices in my head
My biggest mistake was probably trying to incorporate pieces of information from any sources. Now, I have learned to refer to plant physiology and only carefully apply things that nicely fit in my protocols.
The status is illegal, but like many countries it is popular regardless
Yes, mainly when the product contacts the surface, SS is recommended, like processing areas.
I was wondering what your thought are on CBD only vs “entourage effect”
How detailed is the ipm plan in Canada? Proactive messure such as trap plants in the grow?
For fungus control are you think along the lines of strawberries in hot houses in the Netherlands, with a uv blast from the lights type of approach? I think they spike uv light five minutes every 60 minutes, during the non people times. They report good fungal and bacterial control. Could be adapted for cannabis?
Do you have a perferd bug vendor?
And how do you handle VPD or dew point control for people my age.
From the voices in my head
There are some proven facts on health benefits on CBD alone, but I am not a fan of isolated cannabinoids. I prefer to retain other important components such as micro cannabinoids and terpenes in the final product as well. But CBD has been very well studied and it offer many health benefits by itself.
shocked you add a whole different set of problems in production when you use true soils. I would have thought one of the composted pine bark based peat products for nurseries and greenhouses would give you more consistent product. Cycle over cycle.
Lot of great reasurch between soil and soiless in container producduction. First 25% difference in dry wieght of most short day cut flowers. Soiless A C Bunt “modern potting composts” university of Oxford press 1976 is still a good book. Bunt, also published papers with a Dutch professor, on why to move to soiless mixes to improve space performance in cut flowers. Real ground breaking work for the day.
From the voices in my head