🍃 AMA with Paul Edwards CEO of Cedr HR Solutions Wed April 10th 11 AM PST

You are really testing my writing and typing skills!


You type fast! You are keeping up like a champ!

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I’d like you all to know that I care. My team of 35 experts and admins care! We have internal T-shirts that we wear to happy hour that say “we actually give a shit.”

I’ve become quite the HR nerd and am surrounded by my team of experts and attorneys and frankly, we’ve grown very fast like many of the people reading this and it’s been a huge personal challenge to grow as a leader. I’ve learned that I need to let some things go if I want to keep the passion alive for what we do.

I love the company I founded. I love my job and the people around me. It makes a difference and if I can help anyone out there get the same results through HR, I am in!


That’s awesome! I want to come to happy our with your team and expect to wear a shirt right there alongside you!

That’s a very Zen lesson. The Dude Abides.

Some people take a lifetime to learn this concept. How did you learn to let things go and how do you teach other leaders to adopt a similar attitude?

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What a gift! I feel the same way! If only we all could experience such workplace serenity!

How can other leaders nurture a similar healthy corporate culture?


Well, there are the things you are incompetent at, the things you are moderately good at, the things you are really good at, and then there are the things that get you out of bed and make you want to grow.

I focus on the last one and let the other three have less influence over my day to day existence. I also retain experts (hint hint) to take care of the things I should not be spending time on because it does not fit in that fourth category.


Strategic planning that results in every team member understanding daily why they do what they do, and what the goals are = engagment


Sounds like an awesome place to work!!


I’m guessing your “retained experts” often have extensive legal backgrounds?

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Onsite gym _was here when I bought the building
Dogs are allowed
30 days of remote work form home
Wine tastings
Access to me as the CEO
Good benefits
Time off for play
Corrective actions issued to people who do not use their vacation.

To name a few of the benefits that we have built in over the years

And we expect a lot in return.


Honestly, this is what it should be like everywhere. It’s not free. Giving it does not get you results. You have to go about it strategically. We ain’t Google


And I thought Growers Network had the best corporate environment! @nick, when are we getting a gym and a doggie park?

You opened up Pandora’s Box on this one:

You’re going to have to explain your “corrective action”, kind sir. What does it mean?!?


I have a team of 8 attorneys who are Hr experts in the building with me. We are not a law firm. Our HR support knowledge is in house. But right now we need to protect a trademark and I have retained outside council.
I also take extensive CEO training from people who have been where I am going. And the list goes on.


A corrective action is a conversation where you tell an employee what the issue is, what they need to do to correct it, and what outcome you expect. It can be verbal or written!

It looks like this, informal…

Dude you did not take all your vacation last year.
The impact of that is that you are a butt head because you don;t take enough time off
Next year you better take all your time off or be nicer. Your choice.


Hey everyone, any last questions? I have “people” waiting for me in the studio.


@Growernick Oh yes, we have a dog park outside the building now:) Because, dogs poop.


Hahaha now that’s a great workplace convo!

@hrpaul, this has been awesome and informative AMA – and it may have paved the way toward a corporate GN gym and maybe a wine tasting – thanks so much for being here with us today and sharing some of your sage-like wisdom!

I have one more question before we wrap for the day: Where do you see the cannabis industry in five years? Where will your business fit into the mix?


OK I will check in after my recording to see if there are any post I need to answer. Thank you soooo much… Please feel free to post to me if you have an y HR questions.


5 years from now. It’s going to be tough guys. You are going to have lots more competition and those that have great teams and organizations are going to thrive. those that don’t, won’t.