AMA with the Guru of Ganja Ed Rosenthal Wednesday, June 19th at 11 AM PST

This week we will be discussing tips, tricks and all things cannabis with the Guru of Ganja, Ed Rosenthal.


  • Who: Ed Rosenthal, author and activist
  • What: Tips, Tricks and All Things Cannabis with the Guru of Ganja
  • Where: The GNET private forum
  • When: Wednesday, June 19th at 11 AM PST

Ed Rosenthal’s books and articles have paved the way for many growers, processors, extractors, and dispensary owners in our industry. We are excited to welcome him to the GN forum for another engaging forum AMA. Line up those questions now, folks, this is going to be a good one!

(Photo credit Dabsel Adams)

Start seeding those question right HERE!


Ed . Thank you for all your work . And Also takin the time to be on AMA. I have a million questions for you . Your body of work is impressive. Cannot be denied.
For starters.

  • how many products does the average grower or grow operations that you work with use during a full grow cycle? Veg & bloom
  • what would you say is a under utilized tool for growers that they don’t use as much as you have seen something need to be used ??
    (Not sure if that made sense? )
  • Do growers budget out how much nutrients they use during a grow cycle or who would handle nutrients management programs? Are they in house mainly with “master grower” “recipes” or are you seeing more openness towards using new products?
  • by 2030 where do you see the cannabis industry as a whole ? In the USA ?



Hi Ed, how are you? You can write a couple of pudding words addressed to the growers in Russia. We know and love you. We invite you to come to visit us.


@memberdirectory :red_circle:[LIVE] we are going live in a few - ASK QUESTIONS NOW

Have fun enjoy



What is the best way to avoid or get rid /prevent catapillers ( I have tried your solutions and they are not enough to get rid of them without affecting my plants)

what about using lactobacillus in a spray formula, I have heard that that turns them into mush is that effective, if so what’s the formula!

what about using Grand Devo is that effective as a pest controller


Hello Ed, I am interested in your opinion on tissue culture and/or micropropagation. What drawbacks and benefits do you see to using this as a way to cultivate. Thank you for your wisdom!


…and we are ROCKING!

Thanks for being here today, @edrosenthal! It’s an honor to have you join us for another great AMA.



Hey Julessin70,

Welcome to the community and thank you for your question. Micropropgation and tissue culture are use for two different purposes. The first is long term preservation of genetics that is rather than keeping mother plants growing. So you can keep hundreds of genetics in a small space. The second is to generate plants. The problem with this is that to do it profitably and efficiently automated equipment is required which has a very high start up cost. It also requires a bit of training so that sometimes skilled technicians are required. The actually cost of production goes way down but the generations require more time. Once a flow has begun extraordinary number of clones from callus.

Thank you for the amazing question!



Thank you and it’s a pleasure to be here. I am super excited answer everyones questions and help provide value to the community.


Right on! The pleasure is all ours!

What first piqued your curiosity about cannabis? When did you first experience the power of the plant?

What inspired you to write your first book?


Hey Rastaded,

I got involved in cannabis education so that people could overgrow the governments. I think all countries the US, Russia, China, are all alcoholics and combative let’s change this to a cannabis centric world. Looking towards peace love and understanding. As far as your personal situation is concerned as the Rolling Stones said “Let me walk before they make me run”




When I first used cannabis I realized that it was much like the ally that the little smoke that Yaki Shaman talked about in Carlos Castaneda “Don Juan” Books. I realized it was an ally for me and that good cannabis never tells a lie.

The first time I used cannabis a long time ago. Check out Miss American Pie.

In Highschool the year book said I would become a plant scientist and writer.

Thanks Nick.


You fulfilled your destiny. That’s awesome!

When did you grow your first cannabis plant?


Hey Charlie,

The best way to prevent caterpillars place a lace curtain over your plants so that moths cannot get to the leaves to lay eggs. To get rid of them the best type of product to use is one that contains Bacillus Thurgensis which is a bacteria that causes plague in caterpillars. If you and your pets are not caterpillars it is perfect safe to use on caterpillar. Another solution is to shake the plants so the caterpillars fall off.

Grand Devo seems to be effective but I have personally not used it.

Thank Charlie.



I grew my first cannabis plant a long long time ago.


This is what I LOVE about the OGs they have the knowledge and younger growers would be wise to listen and utilize the knowledge and experience of those who set up this industry, we would be awash in suits trying to rip us off if not for the likes of Ed and Jack and the others who pioneered this all, so grateful!!!


Hey Ralpht,

  • how many products does the average grower or grow operations that you work with use during a full grow cycle? Veg & bloom

It varies to much to give a single answer to. Just as there are extreme variation between hobbyist and commercial growers, so it is in the industry as well.

  • what would you say is a under utilized tool for growers that they don’t use as much as you have seen something need to be used ??
    (Not sure if that made sense? )

Power Tools for pruning and harvesting as described in “Marijuana Harvest Book”. The use can cut down actual harvest time by 3/4.

  • Do growers budget out how much nutrients they use during a grow cycle or who would handle nutrients management programs? Are they in house mainly with “master grower” “recipes” or are you seeing more openness towards using new products?

Just as in the last questions there are to many organizational models to give a single answer so any and all of the above.

  • by 2030 where do you see the cannabis industry as a whole ? In the USA ?

By 2030 I will be dead which means that they will compost my body and mix it with coir so that growers across the world can use in their grows. You can begin preorders now.



You have been involved with cannabis activism before the passage of California’s Prop. 215 in 1996. In your eyes, what have been the most significant developments that have allowed for the industry to rise from its infancy to where it is today? Federal legalization aside, what major hurdles do we still need to overcome before cannabis attains widespread cultural and legal acceptance?


Much appreciated. Who are these OG we refer to as I would like to meet them and get some of there info.



Dear Ed:
In your book "The Big Book of Buds Vol. 3 on Page 148 you cover feminized seeds and the point that F seeds tend to develop late pollen sacks if the plant has grown too long. Some grows have this problem and don’t know anything about this problem which led them to believe that it was only the growing time that led to the late pollen sacks.
My question is how do you handle this if you are using feminized seed or is it best to only grow from natural seeds? I have over 25 books on Cannabis and yours was the only that discussed this with pictures.
Cean Robert McDonough
Growing instructor for Cannabis Career Institute