Awesome to have you here, Ed.
The internet has made available A LOT of information about how to grow really excellent weed. I’m curious about local, community based pot gardening. Do you have examples or models you can point us to for this, especially where illegality makes it a sticky endeavor? Perhaps its local pot-farmers markets? Seed-trader groups, etc? Looking for inspiration
The Cost of house plants especially orchids has gone down to a fraction of their cost 40 years ago all because of tissue culture. @Reggie I disagree it can be used for large scale agricultural and more and more crops are being planted as seedlings or clones rather than germinating in situ. In order to get especially in cannabis where you are looking for specific terpene and cannabinoid content you would definitely want to use clones, and the only way to clone plants on an Ag scale is with tissue culture.
@edrosenthal, where do you envision the American cannabis industry in five years? How about globally? Do you think you will see the day that cannabis is fully legalized?
YOU ARE! … and you probably have met them guys like Jorge Cervantes, Jack Herer, and the many Northwestern (Humbolt) pioneers that gave us a lot of starting help.
Thank You Growers Network. This was a pleasure and I enjoyed talking to each and everyone of you. I look forward to doing this again in the future. Enjoy everyone and keep smoking!!! Peace.
Orchids and other ornamentals aren’t grown on the scale of food crops.
And yes tissue culture and clones are necessary as part of building new cultivars, but once you have stable seeds, you do get the consistency from year to year.
The same environmental perturbations that cause changes in chemical profile from an expected chemical outcome in clones will affect seeds. So, better controlled environments are the way to get consisitency. Stabilized or rather TRUE BREEDING seeds, once developed and agreed that maybe easier said than done, will always be cheaper than the expense for tissue culture and clonal propagation.
And for the plants that are tissue culture/clonal based, there is as much “control” as consistency in the business model. One of the best ways to control who has what is to produce clones and sell clones under license. Anyone who doesn’t have a license is cheating. This would apply as well to Cannabis. But not sure you’ll see 10,000 acre farms being planted from clones in areas with high labor costs.
But i do agree and appreciate some of the points you made
Hi @edrosenthal
The question was “Are you confident that we, cannabis cultivators, can use our cultural heritage to become an inspiring model and revolutionize the entire agricultural/horticultural world (through responsible farming for instance, open source breeding… )?”
Your answer = “Check your ego” ??? Really??
Either you misunderstood the question or made inaccurate assumptions, with all due respect…
So I’m going to try to HUMBLY clarify for you sir…
The cannabis community is probably more aware of the consequences of monocrop farming and bio-engineered crops than wheat and barley farmers were back after WW2…
The cannabis community likely has a culture of collaboration from the prohibition years. It seems we inherited a spirit of doing things differently or “our way”. Would you agree?
There seems (no statistic available) to be a significant proportion of farmers that believe in responsible farming within the cannabis cultivators community. This proportion is likely higher than in grain or vegetable farming. Would you agree?
Pot growing under lights was necessary in a prohibition context but becomes one option in a legal context. Would you agree?
In these conditions, do we have an opportunity as cannabis cultivators to come up with an alternative model that is a lot more environment-friendly than other sectors of agriculture.
Not sure it has anything to do with ego…
I think it will be fully legalized under a more progressive administration than the one we have now. The way I see it this is going to be determined by what happens with the government or presidential election. I cannot see Trump changing his position on cannabis. Protecting cannabis by controlled corporation is feasible because it easy to grow rather a hub and spoke system of distribution. It’s hard to control that kind of distribution system and infant even as its legal there will always be room for an alternative unregistered market and chronic users will often than choose that than official market because of prices differences. For the occasional users the difference does matter but the chronic user it matters and will choose unregistered market. Cannabis is easy to manufacture and grower so that market will never die.The entertainment and casual use market likes cannabis bars is a market that hasn’t matured yet. When it does it will become large scale and available on many corners in the entertainment areas.
thank you growers network for organising this.
didn’t want to interrupt the flow of the conversation so ill say it now.
dude has problems with israel why to drop it on me???
and to reply to someone to check their ego - i think you should check yourself first.
came to talk cannabis ended in being ignored because i am from a certain place.
thank you reggi for your reply.
after my one cent on feelings now my one cent on cannabis.
you cant compare orchid and cannabis tissue culture its completely different things.
the regeneration process is different and the application is different.
btw tomatoes are picked red as well and mostly the taste is like this because of long shelf life varieties which loose their flavours while stored.
@edrosenthal thanks so much for taking the time to be here with us today. Thanks so much for the contributions you have made to the evolution of our industry. Thanks for writing the books that helped steer so many people toward making that decision to grow that first cannabis plant. Any grower who has ever picked up a trick or tip or learned to grow from an Ed book owes you a debt of gratitude.
Hello Strainly,
I haven’t seen any marijuana growers growing anything but marijuana, so that’s a mono crop.
No. Let’s take Humboldt county where marijuana farmers have cut down large portions of forest or caused death in many trees because of there farming I would not say that is responsible. They are farming in areas that should not be farmed in.
Yes I agree with pot growing under lights comment.
My experience with most marijuana farms is that they have a lot to learn from conventional agriculture rather than trying to teach they should be into more of a learning process. Most marijuana farmers don’t keep up with current progress often you can tell when they entered the field by the way there garden looks.
the application is different and the process is marginally different, sure different chemicals or treatments to get callus or to get callus to regenerate embryos, but in the end its a fairly similar process, and the expense is the same.
There will not be a tremendous difference in the cost of tissue culture/micropropagation. so while the applications are different the costs will be the same, and those costs will be more expensive than seed production.
I would find it hard to believe that they will automate clone planting to be as cheap as automated seed planting
maybe it will happen, but at the same time, any improvements will likely also be made for seed planting
The cost of the planting is just one factor in determining which provides a higher profit to the farmer. If you can produce a uniform crop that has exactly the same chemistry its more valuable than a seed crop that invariably has variation and this also illuminates males without the negative effects of feminization.
Thank you so much thats very kind of you!
Brother Ed love the time today also r\Reggie was great to here from both of you.
Ed Watch Fox new business I am doing a special hosted by William Shatner. “NEW FRONTIERS IN Hemp”
Ed the hats i sent you and Jane-they seen you in Spain and hunted the hat home
Ed your the man. Hopefully I’ll have the bread by 2030 to buy your ashes and mix em into my garden!! thank you again!!!
What’s your favorite strain to smoke and how ? What’s your daily smoke ?