🍃 AMA with Todd McCormick: ECS Homeostasis and YOU! Wed March 27th 11 AM PST

Todd, if only i could download your knowledge onto a thumb drive for reference later…


I would be happy to Nick, most of you know of Dr Lester Grinspoon as the Harvard professor who spearheaded medical cannabis through the seventies and eighties. He is featured in both of my documentaries, as his work has been instrumental in developing cannabis policies around science and not propaganda.

Robert C. Clarke, has devoted his life to do the dissemination of factual cannabis information in regards to cultivation, taxonomy and history since his first book; The Botany and Ecology of Cannabis, which he released in 1974 or 1975, while he was a student at UC Santa Cruz. His monumental book about cannabis breeding, which was released in 1981, and titled; Marijuana Botany, is still in print today. He is a founder of the International Hemp Association, and his latest book was published in 2013 by the University of California Press, and is titled: Cannabis: Evolution and Ethnobotany. it took him 17 years to write, and is truly the textbook every serious cannabis student should read.

And last but not least is my dear friend Richard Rose, he is a nutritional expert who founded a vegan cheese company back in the early nineties called Vegan Rella, he published the book I cited above, in the late nineties and is helping me make the connections between EFA’s and your body’s ability to make endocannabinoids.


That is the kindest compliment, thank you very much.


Hell, thank YOU Todd for all of the useful knowledge you share with us.


I had a random question, Is it possible to administer a dose of a full spectrum application via eye-drops. I thought the body might absorb it faster through the blood vessels in our eyes and it removes the negative factors say some edibles may impose. My father is diabetic and has grown fond of the anti-inflammatory effects of edibles and high CBD strains. Would it work or am i better off producing edibles allergy friendly diabetic safe truely safe for our bodies to consume not high in sugars and uneccesary additives? Also could this work for chrons disease my sister has an ibd and i feel most tincures dont offer everything she needs, so far weve tested a brand using hemp as thier base adding extracts and essential oils, she claims its the only thing that has helped where as when hospitalized she explained in detail how the antibiotics would make her intestines burn contantly and would reignite upon admintistration?


Thank you very much, my whole motivation for being an activist for the past 25 years was found in helping people to help themselves.

I feel that bringing this information forward really can make a big difference in a lot of people’s lives and I feel very fortunate to have the teachers I have had, and because of that, I feel obligated to share the lessons I have learned, in hopes that it will help other people in the ways that those lessons have helped me.


Todd I had Stage four Neck and throat cancer along with about recently of ORN (jawboneNecrocios) there is a lot of pain, skin degradation, and scarring along with a massive constant NECK HEADACHE! lol, that never seems to go away, would I get any relief from the EFA and the ECS use and if so what type or dosage…this is due to radiation and surgeries on the right side of neck?


I would be very hesitant to put cannabinoids and even more hesitant to put terpenes in my eyes.

You can however dissolve cannabinoids and terpenes in hempseed oil and apply to the area around your eyes and even on your eyelids.

Your bodies ECS absorbs the chemicals in cannabis rather effectively and knows how to use them, and I believe that no matter how you consume them, you will beget the effect of homeostasis.


My love to your brother, I’m sorry to hear you going through that.

I would definitely recommend that you start using EFA’s, both orally and all over your skin. Hempseed oil is considered a dry oil in so much as that it is fully absorbed by your skin, the efa’s will help to repair the damage to your skin as well as clear up both stretch and scar marks. for a long time, Cocoa butter was used by bodybuilders and mothers to get rid of scar tissue, aka, stretch marks, and science is showing us that hempseed oil has more of the amino acids that are truly the fundamental building blocks of healthy cellular development.

Doctor Roberta Hamilton used to tell me that hempseed was more nutritious than human milk, and I thought she was kind of crazy (I should have never doubted her wisdom) until I saw this chart:


There’s a lot of acids that you would be administering to your eyes, am I right? Ouch!


Hey, it worked for Jimi Hendrix. (Just kidding kids, different kind of acid.)


Still burns


All kidding aside, where are you at with the publishing of the book? When can we expect to see a copy? How can GN members help you expedite the publishing process?


I really appreciate everyone taking the time to have this conversation.

If anybody has more questions, feel free to message me through the growers network or hit me up directly, I am always here to help people going through the same medical conditions I’ve gone through.

In addition to the book, we are putting together a directory of quality cannabis businesses in order to help our readers to find the tools they need to home grow their medicine or simply find the products locally.

If your company wants to be a sponsor of this book and advertise in our directory, please don’t hesitate to contact me: your support is greatly appreciated.

I am self publishing this book, mostly out of self-defense, as unfortunately, most publishers will not invest the money into marketing the books that they print and it is my goal to get this book into the hands of as many people as possible.

We will be printing 10,000 copies in July of 2019, on recycled paper that is earth friendly. Our publishing partner is Grow Magazine (www.growmag.com) and the book will be available at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.com, as well as on both Apple and Amazon as an ebook.


Thank you Todd!


Thank you for joining us, I wish you the best with your wife’s condition. If I can ever be of further assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out.


If anybody wants more information on getting their company into our directory, and helping sponsor this book, more information is in the media kit which is available at the link below:

(I own the website that is hosting the link below and I can guarantee there is no viruses or anything other than a PDF.)

Thank you all again!



Todd, this is awesome! As always, thanks for an educational and informational AMA! We look forward to the book! To all our forum community members, this is a call to action to lend a hand and get this critical book published and to the masses! Thank you!


We are so thankful for the knowledge you bring to the cannabis user. I believe I’m not overstepping when I say this book will be a lifechanger for the cannabis user and a such a great resource for a dispensary agent!!! :pray: I personally can’t wait to devour your book and apply the information to the edibles world. I believe this book will be an eternal guide to creating a cannabis regime to achieve and maintain cell homeostasis. Thank you again for your contribution to humanity’s homeostasis!


Thank you so much!! Its people like you that gives me hope for the world. Thank you Todd.